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Titel: B0031RSBSM EBOK Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Mari Jungstedt
Vom Netzwerk:
If only he’d thought up fun things like that when we were married
, she thought enviously.
Now he decides to be creative and full of ideas
    Johan had mentioned that he wanted them to go somewhere together. Right now it felt impossible.
    Through the bedroom window she caught sight of him as he came walking up the garden path. In his hands he was holding a paper bag and a bouquet of flowers. He noticed her in the window and smiled and waved.
    Maybe it wasn’t so strange that she didn’t want to throw herself into a new living arrangement with Johan. That comforting thought suddenly took root, and she felt the guilt she carried on her shoulders lighten.
One step at a time
, she thought.
One step at a time

    Johan had warned Pia that he would be arriving late for work. Nothing special was going on, and he longed to take a walk with Emma and their newborn baby. They went out through the gate and continued along the residential street. It was a quiet neighborhood with little traffic. That didn’t stop Johan from looking several times in both directions each time they had to cross the street before he ventured across with the baby buggy. Emma, who’d been through all this before, was significantly calmer.
    “Does it feel strange to be out with me and a baby buggy?” he asked. “I mean, you and Olle have walked around here with the kids all these years, taking them to the playground, dropping them off at day care or picking them up, and spending time with the other parents in these houses.”
    “No, actually it doesn’t feel strange.” Emma looked surprised, as if it hadn’t even occurred to her that this area belonged to her and Olle.
    They walked in silence for a while. Johan was overwhelmed by the unfamiliar situation and felt no need to talk.
    Last night he had driven Emma and their daughter home from the hospital, and it had been unbelievably hard to leave them. Emma didn’t want him to stay overnight. It was still too early, she told him when he objected. He couldn’t help feeling hurt. He hadn’t yet spent a night in the house in Roma. That was one of the boundaries he longed to cross, one of the obstacles that Emma had set up and that stood in the way of their having a chance to strengthen their relationship.
    They continued through the neighborhood. It was good for the baby to be out and get some fresh air. She looked so little as she lay under the cotton blanket. Her head was covered with a turquoise cotton cap even though it was seventy-seven degrees outside. Her dark hair stuck out from under the cap. When Johan poked his head inside the buggy and placed his cheek against her body, he noticed how rapid and light as a feather her breathing was.
    He could see that Emma was tired. Her face was very beautiful—those high cheekbones, dark eyes, and distinct eyebrows that had enchanted him so much. Now her complexion was paler and her cheeks slightly rounder than usual. He liked that; it gave her a softer appearance.
    He had loved her before they had the baby, and now, after the birth, his love had grown to a painful level.
    They’d been through periods when he felt that there was a balance between them, that they loved each other equally , that Emma, too, wanted them to be together. Now he found himself at a disadvantage. Emma didn’t want him in the house. Not yet, she said. The children had to get used to things; it was all too much for them at the moment, with the new sister and everything else. They would see each other when they could, which meant when Sara and Filip were staying with their father. Nothing had turned out as he’d hoped.
    Johan had been looking forward to the baby’s arrival, to taking care of Emma and the child and simply enjoying things. How wrong he had been. The fact that Emma had decided to have the baby didn’t mean that she was ready to regard them as an established couple. She had explained to him that she just couldn’t throw herself into a new relationship. So much had happened during the past year. Her whole life had been turned upside down. It would take time to digest and rearrange everything, to cut off all ties with her old life.
    Now she was walking along beside him and looking very content, in spite of everything. He stopped pushing the buggy to stroke her cheek.
    “I love you,” he said, feeling how true that was.
    Emma looked away without saying a word. In the past she would have told him the same thing, or at least something

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