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Dust of Dreams

Dust of Dreams

Titel: Dust of Dreams Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
what a warren is? . . . Gods, you might as well be living in mud huts! A warren, friends, is like a row of jugs on a shelf behind the bar. Pick one, pull the stopper, and drink. That’s what mages do. Drink too much and it kills you. But just enough and you can use it to do magic. It’s fuel, but each jug is different—tastes different, does different magic. Now, there’s a few out there, like our High Mage, who can drink from ’em all, but that’s because he’s insane.

    Sunrise wondered where that bar was, because he’d like to try some of those jugs. But he was afraid to ask. You probably needed special permission to get in there. Of course, drinking always caused him trouble, so maybe it was just as well that the Warrens Bar was in some city in faraway Malaz. Besides, it’d be crowded with mages, and mages made Sunrise nervous. Especially High Mage Quick Ben, who seemed to be mad at Dead Hedge for some reason. Mad? More like furious.But Dead Hedge just laughed it off, because nothing could put him in a bad mood for very long.
    Corporal Rumjugs waddled into view, sighing heavily as she seated herself on a bale. ‘What a workout! You’d think these soldiers never before held a decent woman.’
    ‘A good night then?’ Sunrise asked.
    ‘My money purse is bulging, Sunny, and I’m leaking every which way.’
    She’d lost some weight, just like her friend, Sweetlard. That march had almost done them both in. But they were still big, big in that way of swallowing a man up and it sure seemed there were lots of men who liked that just fine. For himself, he preferred to make out a bit more of an actual body under all that fat. Another few months of marching and they’d be perfect.
    ‘I’m going to start charging them ones who like to watch, too. Why should that be free?’
    ‘You’re right in that, Rumjugs. Ain’t nothing should be for free. But that’s where us Letherii are different from the Malazans. We see the truth of that and it’s no problem. Malazans, they just complain.’
    ‘Worse is all the marriage offers I’m getting. They don’t want me to stop working, those ones, they just want to be married to me. Open-minded, I’ll grant you that. With Malazans, pretty much anything goes. It’s no wonder they conquered half the world.’
    Sweetlard joined them from the other side of the deck. ‘Errant’s shrivelled cock, I can barely walk!’
    ‘Rest the slabs, sweetie,’ Rumjugs offered, waving a plump hand at a nearby bale close to the lantern.
    ‘Where’s Nose Stream?’ Sweetlard asked. ‘I’d heard he was going to talk to the Boss. About us trying some of them new missions—’
    ‘Munitions,’ corrected Rumjugs.
    ‘Right, munitions. I mean, that sword I got, what am I supposed to do with it? I was collared to clear an overgrown lot once when I was little, and I took one look at them machetes and I threw up all over the Penal Mistress. Sharp edges give me the shakes—I got too much that looks too easy to cut, if you know what I mean.’
    ‘We can’t do nothing with the ones Bavedict’s made up,’ said Sunrise. ‘Not until we’re off these barges. And even then, we got to work in secret. Boss doesn’t want anybody else knowing anything about them, you see?’
    ‘But why?’ Sweetlard demanded.
    ‘Cos, love,’ drawled Rumjugs, ‘there’s other sappers, right? In the Bonehunters. They see what Bavedict’s come up with and everyone will want ’em, and before you know it, all the powders and potions are used up and we got us nothing.’
    ‘The greedy bastards!’
    ‘So make sure you say nothing, right? Even when you’re working, I mean.’
    ‘I hear you, Rummy Cups. No worries in that regard—I can’t get a word in with all the marriage proposals.’
    ‘You too? Why’s they all so desperate, I wonder?’
    ‘Children,’ said Sunrise. ‘They want children and they want ’em quick.’
    ‘Why would they all want that?’ Sweetlard asked.
    The only answer that came to Sunrise was a grim one, and he hesitated.
    After a moment Rumjugs gusted out a loud sigh. ‘Errant’s balls. They’re all expectin’ to die.’
    ‘Not the best attitude,’ mused Sweetlard, as she pulled out a leaf stick and leaned in to the lantern slung close to her left shoulder. Once the end was smouldering, she drew it to a bright coal and then settled back. ‘Spirits below, I’m chafing.’
    ‘When did you last have a drink?’ Rumjugs asked her.
    ‘Weeks now. You?’

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