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Love is Always Write Anthology Bonus Volume

Love is Always Write Anthology Bonus Volume

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Bonus Volume Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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thought it would.
    Within minutes Jerlina wriggled away from Alan to throw herself into the arms of a frazzled blonde woman. Alan got to his feet and walked away before the woman lifted her face from her daughter's hair. The officer jerked his head at me and I trotted after him.
    "You were great with her," I said when I caught up.
    "Yeah, I'll make a great daddy someday," Alan growled. "Soon as I outgrow this 'phase' of mine."
    "That's not actually—"
    "Shut the fuck up, Lukas."

    School and work were close to each other, so usually I went to the library after my last class rather than driving all the way home. The Monday after History is Great day, though, I went home instead. As I waded through the canine swarm in the hall, Lilia laughed from the living room.
    "Forty-nine?" she said. "Why did you count? Now I need more."
    "Woman, there is no room!" Alan's voice answered. Lilia swore she would make room and he laughed. I wasn't prepared for an Alan-laugh and it took my breath away.
    God, there was something wrong with me.
    "Oh! Lukas!" Lilia stuck her head out of the living room. "So you're what has them riled. Is everything all right?"
    "Fine. Just thought I'd catch up on the chores I missed Saturday."
    "Good!" Alan called from inside the room. "I told her I'm not washing these hairy beasts!"
    "Dog-baths can wait," Lilia said. "Now I've got two of you—"
    Alan groaned as he came into the hall. He was wearing black jeans and a black T-shirt. His hair was green and his lips had a sparkling blue sheen. I figured he was right to groan, but I knew better than to complain to Lilia. It brought out the sadist in her.
    With Alan's help I spent two hours moving furniture. Lilia's house was full of old and beautiful things from around the world, but she'd "had enough" and some of it needed to go. Alan and I carried selected items to the sun-porch then rearranged what was left until Lilia was happy.
    I was impressed. Alan could walk through doorways backwards without dinging the legs of the furniture. He didn't stop without warning, and he didn't put things down until I was ready. We were, however, back to the sharp mocking. Lilia even swatted him with a newspaper after he called me a "good gorilla" one too many times.
    When we'd moved a large chest into the guest room for Lilia to go through later, I told her I needed a shower and she waved me away.
    "Use soap!" Alan advised, and Lilia laughed and smacked him.
    On Friday, Mallory and Alan showed up before I left for class. Mallory kissed me, kissed Alan, kissed Lilia, and left with a wave. Lilia wished me a good day and Alan told me to go learn things, and Lilia dragged him off to do more work.
    Saturday I was sent to fetch a bleary-eyed Alan who barely talked to me, and we made two trips to the auction house and three to the domestic violence shelter's donation drop-off. Alan wasn't wearing any makeup but lip gloss, and the sun was shining, so I finally was able to figure out that his eyes walked the line between blue and green, and it had been the eye shadow confusing me. Also I noticed he had really nice hands, and I wondered if he played the drums for real since he spent so much time drumming on things and sounded good when he did.
    By Wednesday morning of the next week, Lilia was moved into the guest room while the new paint in her bedroom aired out. By the time I got home Thursday night/Friday morning, there was a "wet paint" sign on the door to the sun-porch.
    Mallory informed me after class on Friday that Tania said I hadn't seen Rocky Horror , so I needed to meet her in front of the Loft Saturday night at eleven and I'd better not make her come fetch me. I tried to beg off since I had piled-up chores and homework, not to mention Mom called on Saturday nights, but Mallory was adamant. I agreed, mentally rearranging my schedule to maybe call Mom in the afternoon while I washed the dogs or something.
    The people in front of the Loft looked like something out of a fan convention. A lot of the costumes were really skimpy for a late night in late September, but I wasn't wearing them so I was able to enjoy them. Wishing I'd at least worn something more wild than jeans and an old Pink Floyd shirt, I found a spot under a light and let Mallory find me. At least I had my dad's old trench coat. Trench coats were never a wrong choice in a college crowd.
    Mallory showed up wearing a maid costume and carrying a red feather boa that she threw around my neck.

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