tracks by infusing their victims with a substance that promotes coagulation. It’s similar to the MPH beads you might use in surgery to stem a bad bleed, but it also promotes ultra-rapid healing of the wound.”
She laughed, a choked sound that bordered on weeping, which God knew was closer to what she felt like doing.
“You’re telling me vampires walk around with Bleed-X in their pockets, ready to sprinkle it on their victims’ wounds afterward?”
“They secrete the substance at will.” He pried the mirror out of her hand and put it back in the drawer. “Of course, the victim of an attack like this typically expires from shock shortly after the evidence fades.”
“Well, that must give the Coroner’s Office fits on cause of death.” She heard her own words and marveled at how reassuringly sarcastic they sounded. Was she really having this conversation with this stranger about vampires ?
He shrugged. “Occasionally. Though many victims are street people — drug addicts, prostitutes, vagrants, runaways. No one investigates too closely when one of them turns up dead.”
The truth of the latter statement was undeniable. She’d seen for herself the ease with which street deaths were accepted. She’d even protested it. Until the business with Lucy. Until she decided she couldn’t afford to make waves over something she wasn’t going to be able to change anyway.
She forced her numb mind to work. “I still don’t understand why you brought me here. Why not call an ambulance and let someone else worry about it?”
“Because, as you must be coming to appreciate, I have a special expertise in these matters that conventional medicine lacks. Indeed, I think it’s safe to say I’m alone in my field.”
Well, there was something she had no trouble believing.
“Besides,” he added, “had you not been coming to meet with me, you would not have suffered the attack. For that, I feel a burden of guilt.”
Going to meet him? Then he must be… “My God.”
A smile ghosted over his lips. “No, not God, Ms. Crawford. Though on occasion, I have been accused of harboring a God complex.” He offered his hand. “Dr. Delano Bowen.”
Chapter 2
DELANO WATCHED emotions chase each other in the depths of those lovely violet eyes.
A few moments ago, he’d seen the exact instant when she remembered the events in the alley. Terror, followed quickly by doubt of her very sanity. He knew how hard it was for the human mind to confront the unacceptable. He also knew some minds splintered under the stress. But not this one. Through the window of her eyes, he’d seen her emotions roll and tumble together as she grappled to integrate that one simple, shocking, world-changing bit of information. Vampires are real.
But now it was surprise and confusion that warred in her eyes.
“Dr. Bowen?”
“At your service.”
“But why … how…?”
“A belated attack of chivalry, I guess you’d call it.” He leaned back in his chair, consciously relaxing his posture. But not too relaxed. Don’t want to look like you’re selling it too hard. She’s smart. “My access code to override the alarm on the front door quit working, which is why I redirected you to the rear entrance. That alarm operates with a key, and was still functioning. But I started thinking that was no way to begin a potential employer/employee relationship, leaving you to navigate a dark alley, so I went down to meet you. You know the rest.”
He saw her breath catch, knew she was thinking what would have happened if he hadn’t intervened. Once again, she mastered herself quickly.
“I’m glad your chivalrous streak chose that moment to assert itself.”
If she but knew.
He smiled. “Me too.”
She returned his smile, but hers looked distinctly strained. “I guess a job interview’s not in the cards this evening then. Can we reschedule when you come back from San Franciso?”
Ah, yes. He’d thrown that artificial time constraint into the mix to pressure her into keeping their rendezvous. “San Francisco is no longer in my plans. I’ll be staying here.”
“But I thought it was pressing?”
“My priorities have changed.”
A new gleam came into her eye. “Then maybe we can do the job interview after all.”
His eyebrows shot up. She was one determined lady. “Now?”
“Why not? I’m here. You’re here. You need a research assistant, and I need a job.”
“At this juncture, I’ve got bigger problems
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