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The Student's Life of Washington; Condensed from the Larger Work of Washington Irving For Young Persons and for the Use of Schools

The Student's Life of Washington; Condensed from the Larger Work of Washington Irving For Young Persons and for the Use of Schools

Titel: The Student's Life of Washington; Condensed from the Larger Work of Washington Irving For Young Persons and for the Use of Schools Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Washington Irving
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as it were, on board one of these ships, carried on intrigues with those disaffected to the popular cause, in all parts of the neighborhood.
    Lee arrived at New York on the 4th of February, his caustic humors sharpened by a severe attack of the gout, which had rendered it necessary, while on the march, to carry him for a considerable part of the way in a litter. By a singular coincidence, on the very day of his arrival, Sir Henry Clinton, with the squadron which had sailed so mysteriously from Boston, looked into the harbor. “Though it was Sabbath,” says a letter-writer of the day, “it threw the whole city into such a convulsion as it never knew before. Many of the inhabitants hastened to move their effects into the country, expecting an immediate conflict.”
    Clinton sent for the mayor, and expressed much surprise and concern at the distress caused by his arrival; which was merely, he said, on a short visit to his friend Tryon, and to see how matters stood. He professed a juvenile love for the place, and desired that the inhabitants might be informed of the purport of his visit, and that he would go away as soon as possible. For this time, the inhabitants of New York were let off for their fears. Clinton, after a brief visit, continued his mysterious cruise, openly avowing his destination to be North Carolina—which nobody believed, simply because he avowed it.
    The necessity of conferring with committees at every step was a hard restraint upon a man of Lee’s ardent and impatient temper, who had a soldierlike contempt for the men of peace around him; yet at the outset he bore it better than might have been expected. “The Congress committees, a certain number of the committees of safety, and your humble servant,” writes he to Washington, “have had two conferences. The result is such as will agreeably surprise you. It is in the first place agreed, and justly, that to fortify the town against shipping is impracticable; but we are to fortify lodgements on some commanding part of the city for two thousand men. We are to erect enclosed batteries on both sides of the water, near Hell Gate, which will answer the double purpose of securing the town against piracies through the Sound, and secure our communication with Long Island, now become a more important point than ever; as it is determined to form a strong fortified camp of three thousand men, on the Island, immediately opposite to New York. The pass in the Highlands is to be made as respectable as possible, and guarded by a battalion. In short, I think the plan judicious and complete.”
    The pass in the Highlands above alluded to, is that grand defile of the Hudson where, for upwards of fifteen miles, it wends its deep channel between stern, forest-clad mountains and rocky promontories. Two forts, about six miles distant from each other, and commanding narrow parts of the river at its bends through these Highlands, had been commenced in the preceding autumn, by order of the Continental Congress; but they were said to be insufficient for the security of that important pass, and were to be extended and strengthened.
    Washington had charged Lee, in his instructions, to keep a stern eye upon the tories, who were active in New York. “You can seize upon the persons of the principals,” said he; “they must be so notoriously known, that there will be little danger of committing mistakes.” Lee acted up to the letter of these instructions, and weeded out with a vigorous hand some of the rankest of the growth.
    In the exercise of his military functions, Lee set Governor Tryon and the captain of the Asia at defiance. “They had threatened perdition to the town,” writes he to Washington, “if the cannon were removed from the batteries and wharves, but I ever considered their threats as a brutum fulmen, and even persuaded the town to be of the same way of thinking. We accordingly conveyed them to a place of safety in the middle of the day, and no cannonade ensued.”
    Lee now proceeded with his plan of defences. A strong redoubt, capable of holding three hundred men, was commenced at Horen’s Hook, commanding the pass at Hell Gate, so as to block up from the enemy’s ships the passage between the mainland and Long Island. A regiment was stationed on the island, making fascines, and preparing other materials for constructing the works for an intrenched camp, which Lee hoped would render it impossible for the enemy to get a footing there. “What to do

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