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Witches Abroad

Witches Abroad

Titel: Witches Abroad Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Terry Pratchett
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without asking him what he called himself. But human nature was the same everywhere.
    “You’re not upset, are you, Esme?” said Nanny anxiously.
    “I expect I can soon pick up a new broom when we get home.”
    “Hm… what ?”
    “After she lost all her money she bet her broom,” said Magrat triumphantly.
    “Have we got any money at all?” said Granny.
    A trawl of various pockets and knicker legs produced forty-seven pence.
    “Right,” said Granny. She scooped it up. “That ought to be enough. To start with, anyway. Where are these men?”
    “What are you going to do?” said Magrat.
    “I’m going to play cards,” said Granny.
    “You can’t do that!” said Magrat, who had recognized the gleam in Granny’s eye. “You’re going to use magic to win! You mustn’t use magic to win! Not to affect the laws of chance! That’s wicked !”

    The boat was practically a floating town, and in the balmy night air no one bothered much about going indoors. The riverboat’s flat deck was dotted with groups of dwarfs, trolls and humans, lounging among the cargo. Granny threaded her way between them and headed for the long saloon that ran almost the entire length of the boat. There was the sound of revelry within.
    The riverboats were the quickest and easiest transport for hundreds of miles. On them you got, as Granny would put it, all sorts, and the riverboats going downstream were always crowded with a certain type of opportunist as Fat Lunchtime approached.
    She walked into the saloon. An onlooker might have thought it had a magic doorway. Granny Weatherwax, as she walked toward it, strode as she usually strode. As soon as she passed through, though, she was suddenly a bent old woman, hobbling along, and a sight to touch all but the wickedest heart.
    She approached the bar, and then stopped. Behind it was the biggest mirror Granny had ever seen. She stared fixedly at it, but it seemed safe enough. Well, she’d have to risk it.
    She hunched her back a little more and addressed the barman.
    “Excuzee moir, young homme,” she began. * .
    The barman gave her a disinterested look and went on polishing a glass.
    “What can I do for you, old crone?” he said.
    There was only the faintest suggestion of a flicker in Granny’s expression of elderly imbecility.
    “Oh…you can understand me?” she said.
    “We get all sorts on the river,” said the barman.
    “Then I was wondering if you could be so kind as to loan me a deck, I thinks it’s called, of cards,” quavered Granny.
    “Going to play a game of Old Maid, are you?” said the barman.
    There was a chilly flicker across Granny’s eyes again as she said, “No. Just Patience. I’d like to try and get the hang of it.”
    He reached under the counter and tossed a greasy pack toward her.
    She thanked him effusively and tottered off to a small table in the shadows, where she dealt a few cards randomly on the drink-ringed surface and stared at them.
    It was only a few minutes later that a gentle hand was laid on her shoulder. She looked up into a friendly, open face that anyone would lend money to. A gold tooth glittered as the man spoke.
    “Excuse me, good mother,” he said, “but my friends and I”—he gestured to some more welcoming faces at a nearby table—“would feel much more comfortable in ourselves if you were to join us. It can be very dangerous for a woman traveling by herself.”
    Granny Weatherwax smiled nicely at him, and then waved vaguely at her cards.
    “I can never remember whether the ones are worth more or less than the pictures,” she said. “Forget my own head next, I expect!”
    They all laughed. Granny hobbled to the other table. She took the vacant seat, which put the mirror right behind her shoulder.
    She smiled to herself and then leaned forward, all eagerness.
    “So tell me,” she said, “how do you play this game, then?”

    All witches are very conscious of stories. They can feel stories, in the same way that a bather in a little pool can feel the unexpected trout.
    Knowing how stories work is almost all the battle.
    For example, when an obvious innocent sits down with three experienced card sharpers and says “How do you play this game, then?”, someone is about to be shaken down until their teeth fall out.

    Magrat and Nanny Ogg sat side by side on the narrow bunk. Nanny was distractedly tickling Greebo’s stomach, while he purred.
    “She’ll get into terrible trouble if she uses magic to

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