1936 On the Continent
celebrated throughout the country. S TOCKHOLM : The main festivities take place in the Stadium, most of the members of the Royal Family being present, and at the open-air museum, Skansen.
June 6th-13th
U LRIKSDAL (Stockholm). Horse-racing (Tote).
June 15th and following days
G OTHENBURG A RCHIPELAGO . International Yacht Races. Racing for the One-Tonner Cup. Organisers: Göteborgs Kungl. Segelsällskap, Gothenburg.
June 19th-Aug. 23rd
Y STAD (Scania). “Leisure” Exhibition. Further particulars from Svenska Slöjdföreningen, Stockholm 7.
June 20th-21st
G OTHENBURG A RCHIPELAGO . International Yacht Races. Organisers: Göteborgs Kungl. Segelsällskap, Gothenburg.
June 21st
S TOCKHOLM . International Football Match (Sweden
June 23rd-24th
Midsummer Eve
Midsummer Day
celebrated all over the country with dancing round the Maypole.
June 23rd-July 2nd
S TOCKHOLM and R ÄTTVIK (Dalecarlia). International Girl Guide Conference. Representatives from about thirty countries are expected to attend. Further particulars from Mrs. E. Cedergren, Birger Jarlsgatan 27, Stockholm, or from Miss C. Geete, Smålandsgatan 20, Stockholm.
Midsummer-Sept. 15th
J ÄMTLAND . Mountain climbing and ski-ing at Nya Sylstationen (3,400 feet about sea-level). Professional guides.
L APLAND . Mountain climbing season commences and continues until the end of August. For the ascent of Kebnekaise, the highest mountain in Sweden (6,966 feet above sea-level), and the mountains near Abisko, professional guides are obtainable.
June 27th
J ÄGERSRO (near Malmö). Horse-racing. (Tote).
J UKKASJÄRVI (Lapland). Arrangements made for tourists to shoot the rapids on the Torne River in Lapland. Further particulars from Swedish Touring Club, Stureplan 6, Stockholm.
July 2nd-5th
S TOCKHOLM . International Motor-boat Regatta for outboard motor-boats.
July 5th
S TOCKHOLM . International outboard Motor-boat Race round Lake Mälaren (148 sea miles).
July 5th
S TOCKHOLM or G OTHENBURG . International Football Match (Sweden
July 5th
I NGESUND (Värmland). Summer Festival at the Ingesund School of Folk Music and Peoples’ High School.
July 5th
J ÄGERSRO (near Malmö). Horse-racing (Tote), Swedish Derby.
July 19th-23rd
S ANDHAMN (Stockholm Archipelago). The Sandhamn Regatta. Organisers: Kungl. Svenska Segelsällskapet, Stockholm.
July 19th-Aug. 2nd
B ÅSTAD (Scania). International tennis matches. Organisers: The Båstad Lawn Tennis Club, Båstad.
July 19th-Aug. 2nd
Ö STERSUND (Jämtland). Pageant: “Arnljot,” a play by the Swedish composer Peterson-Berger. Further particulars from Jubileumsutställningen i Östersund 1936, Östersund.
July 22-25th Aug. 13th-15th
V ISBY (Island of Gotland). Medieval musical pageants. Further particulars from Gotlands Turistförening, Visby.
July 26th
S TOCKHOLM . Bellman’s Day. Local Festival in memory of Bellman, the eighteenth-century poet laureate.
July 28th-Aug. 4th
S IGTUNA (near Stockholm). Congress of the International Student Service. Further particulars from Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer, Drottninggatan 116, Stockholm.
Begin Aug.
S TOCKHOLM . Royal Opera. The autumn season begins.
Aug. 3rd-9th
M ALMÖ . Swedish Industries Fair. Further particulars from Swedish Industries Fair, Malmö.
Aug. 8th-23rd (probably)
B ÅSTAD (Scania). International Golf Week. Open Championships for ladies and gentlemen. Organisers: The Båstad Golf Club, Båstad.
Aug. 9th
S ALTSJÖBADEN (Stockholm Archipelago). International races for inboard and outboard motor-boats.
Aug 15th, 22nd, 29th
U LRIKSDAL (near Stockholm). Horse-racing (Tote).
Aug. 16th
S AXTORP (Scania). International Motor-cycle race. Swedish Grand Prix (the classic event of F.I.C.M.). Organisers: Svenska Motor Klubbens Malmöavdelning, Malmö.
Aug. 29th, 30th
G OTHENBURG A RCHIPELAGO . International yachting races. Organisers: Segelsällskapet Aeolus, Gothenburg.
Sept. 3rd-8th
L UND (Scania) and S TOCKHOLM . Fifth International Rheumatological Congress. Further particulars from The Secretary (Dr. Gunnar Kahlmeter), Birgerjarlsgatan 36, Stockholm.
Sept. 6th
S TOCKHOLM . Outboard Motor-boat race (Swedish Championship. Further particulars: Kungl. Motobåt Klubben, Södra Blasieholmshamnen 6, Stockholm.
Sept. 6th, 12th, 19th, 27th
U LRIKSDAL (near Stockholm). Horseracing (Tote).
Nov. 6th
S TOCKHOLM , G OTHENBURG AND OTHER TOWNS . Anniversary of the death of King Gustavus Adolphus.
Dec. 10th
S TOCKHOLM . “Nobel Day.” Distribution
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