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1936 On the Continent

1936 On the Continent

Titel: 1936 On the Continent Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Eugene Fodor
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Argolis of the Peloponnesus, is located on the top of a hill 2 miles to the east of the railway station of the same name, on the Corinth to Argos line. It may be reached either by car or rail.
    Mycenae flourished in the fourteenth century B.C. Visitors will find great interest in inspecting the enormous stones of the fortifications of its Acropolis, the Lion’s Gate, the royal tombs, the Megaron, the treasury of Atreus, the tomb of Clytemnestra.
    Accommodation may be had at the little local hotel.
    E PIDAURUS . The Sanctuary of Asclepios, known by that name, occupies a picturesque site 30 kilometres to the east of the town of Nauplia in the Peloponnesus, from which it may be reached by car. Probably it was the first health resort of ancient times, organised on religious lines.
    The visitor’s interest will be attracted by the Temple of Asclepios, the Tholos, the stadium and other monuments, but above all by the beautiful theatre, so well preserved, which is justly considered to be the finest open-air theatrein the world as regards acoustics. Interesting finds are kept in the local museum.
    M ISTRA lies on a spur of Mount Taygetus, 5 kilometres to the west of Sparta in Southern Peloponnesus. It may be reached either by car all the way from Athens (266 kilometres), or by rail to Tripolis and thence by car (68 kilometres) through Sparta.
    Mistra is a Byzantine Pompeii in Greece, and it is covered with the ruins of Byzantine houses, palaces and churches of the fourteenth century A.D . Some of the churches are well preserved, and one can admire their graceful lines as well as their beautiful frescoes.
    Good accommodation may be had at Sparta.
    T EMPLE OF B ASSAE . This beautiful temple, dedicated to Apollo, is situated in the mountainous district of Western Peloponnesus at an altitude of 3,770 feet. It was designed by Ictinos, the architect of the Parthenon at Athens. It is also known as the Temple of Phigalia.
    Visitors may make the ascent by mule from the village of Andritsaena in 2hours. That village is connected by road (78 kilometres) with Tripolis through Megalopolis. A railway line and a good road (198 kilometres) lead from Athens to Tripolis through Corinth and Argos.
    Simple accommodation may be had at Andritsaena.
    D ELOS . In the centre of the Cyclades islands is situated historical Delos, a little island now uninhabited, but one that flourished in classical times and had a considerable commercial importance. The island was then a sacred one, as it was believed to be the birthplace of Apollo.
    Extensive excavations have brought to light the ancient town with its sanctuaries, temples, markets, clubs, theatre, streets and private houses with beautiful mosaics.
    The local museum is very interesting. An attractive rest-house built by the N.T.O. caters to the needs of visitors.
    One may reach Delos by taking steamer from Piraeus to Myconos (an overnight trip), and thence sailing across in a motor-boat in less than an hour.
    Myconos is a typical Aegean island, very picturesque, well worth a visit.
    T HERA (Santorini). Situated at the southern extremity of the Greek Archipelago, the island of Santorini is one of the natural curiosities of Greece.
    Originally the island had a great volcano in its centre, whose cone and crater subsided, forming a hollow, into which rushed the waters of the sea. This gave the island its present shape of a crescent and resulted in the formation, along the inner coast, of enormous cliffs of fantastic shapes, crowned by the white houses of the inhabitants.
    Steamers (leaving Piraeus three times a week, in summer) reach Thera in 21 hours, with calls at Svra, Paros, Naxos and Ios.
    Visitors find accommodation at the local hotels.
    C RETE . The centre of excursions in the island of Crete is the town of Candia (in Greek known as Herakleion). Steamers ply regularly between Piraeus and Crete, the direct trip to Candia lasting 15 hours.
    The island of Crete is virtually the cradle of Europe’s oldest civilisation. The greatest part of the excavations were carried out by Sir Arthur Evans, who brought to light Knossos, the wonderful capital of the kingdom of Minos, whose history goes back 3,500 years B.C . Knossos is only 5 kilometres to the south of Candia.
    Visitors are advised to take inland tours from Candia in order to see also Gortyna, Phaestos, Haghia Triada, Mallia, Gournia and other places of equal interest.
    All archaeological finds are housed in the Museum of Candia, which is justly

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