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A Darkness More Than Night

Titel: A Darkness More Than Night Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Michael Connelly
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on his suit. He heard a toilet flush and when he straightened up and looked in the mirror he saw Rudy Tafero pass behind him and go to the sink furthest away. Bosch bent down again and brought more water up and held it. Its chill felt good against his eyes and eased his headache.
    “What’s it like, Rudy?” he asked without looking at the other man.
    “What’s what like, Harry?”
    “You know, doing the devil’s bidding. You get any sleep at night?”
    Bosch walked over to the paper towel dispenser and tore off several sheets to dry his hands and face. Tafero came over and tore off a towel and began drying his hands.
    “It’s funny,” Tafero said. “The only time in my life I had trouble sleeping was when I was a cop. I wonder why that was.”
    He balled the towel in his hands and threw it into the wastebasket. He smiled at Bosch and then walked out. Bosch watched him go, still rubbing his hands on the towels.

Chapter 24
    Bosch could feel the coffee working in his blood. The second wind was coming. The headache was easing. He was ready. This would be how they planned it, how they had choreographed it. He leaned forward to the microphone and waited for the question.
    “Detective Bosch,” Langwiser said from the lectern, “did there come a time when the name David Storey came up in your investigation?”
    “Yes, almost immediately. We received information from Jane Gilley, who was Jody Krementz’s roommate, that on the last night of Jody’s life she had a date with David Storey.”
    “Did there come a time when you questioned Mr. Storey about that last night?”
    “Yes. Briefly.”
    “Why briefly, Detective Bosch? This was a homicide.”
    “That was Mr. Storey’s choosing. We attempted several times to interview him on that Friday that the body was discovered and the next day as well. He was difficult to locate. Finally, through his attorney, he agreed to be interviewed the next day, which was Sunday, on the condition that we come to him and conduct the interview in his office at Archway Studios. We reluctantly agreed to do it that way but did so in the spirit of cooperation and because we needed to talk to this man. At that point we were two days into the case and had not been able to talk to the last person known to have seen the victim alive. When we arrived at the office, Mr. Storey’s personal attorney, Jason Fleer, was there. We began interviewing Mr. Storey but in less than five minutes his attorney terminated the interview.”
    “Was this conversation tape-recorded?”
    “Yes, it was.”
    Langwiser made the motion to play the recording and it was approved by Judge Houghton over Fowkkes’s objection. Fowkkes had asked the judge to simply allow jurors to read his already prepared transcripts of the short interview. But Langwiser objected to that, saying that she had not had time to check the transcripts for accuracy and that it was important for the jurors to hear David Storey’s tone and demeanor. With the wisdom of Solomon the judge ruled that the tape would be heard and that the transcripts would be handed out anyway as an aid to the jurors. He encouraged Bosch and the prosecution team to read along as well so they could check the transcript for accuracy.
    BOSCH: My name is Detective Hieronymus Bosch of the Los Angeles Police Department. I am accompanied by my partners, Detectives Jerry Edgar and Kizmin Rider. The date is October 15, 2000. We are interviewing David Storey in his offices at Archway Studios in regard to case number zero-zero-eight-nine-seven. Mr. Storey is accompanied by his attorney, Jason Fleer. Mr. Storey, Mr. Fleer? Any questions before we begin?
    FLEER: No questions.
    BOSCH: Oh, and, obviously, we are recording this statement. Mr. Storey, did you know a woman named Jody Krementz? Also known as Donatella Speers.
    STOREY: You know the answer to that.
    FLEER: David…
    STOREY: Yes, I knew her. I was with her last Thursday night. It does not mean I killed her.
    FLEER: David, please. Answer only the questions they ask you.
    STOREY: Whatever.
    BOSCH: Can I continue?
    FLEER: By all means. Please.
    STOREY: Yes, by all means. Please.
    BOSCH: You mentioned that you were with her on Thursday evening. This was a date?
    STOREY: Why ask things you already know the answer to? Yes, it was a date, if you want to call it that.
    BOSCH: What do you want to call it?
    STOREY: Doesn’t matter.
    BOSCH: Could you give us a framework of time that you were with her?

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