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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
stride inside, his eyes falling to Lostara's swaying hips for a long moment before he slammed the reinforced gate shut.
    Beside him, the bale of straw shimmered suddenly then reformed as an overweight young man seated cross-legged on the cobbles.
    Maybe's head turned and he sighed. 'Don't do that again – not near me, Balgrid. Magic makes me want to puke.'
    'I had no choice but to maintain the illusion,' Balgrid replied, drawing a sleeve across his sweat-beaded brow. 'That bastard was a Claw!'
    'Really? I could have sworn I saw him wearing a woman's clothes and dancing at Pug—'
    'Will you shut up with that! Pity the poor bastard he's looking for in the 5th!'
    Maybe suddenly grinned. 'Hey, you just fooled a real live Claw with that damned illusion! Nice work!'
    'You ain't the only one feeling sick,' Balgrid muttered.
    Thirty paces took Lostara and Pearl across the compound to the stables.
    'That was amusing,' said the man at her side.
    'And what was the point?'
    'Oh, just to see them sweat.'
    'The man and the bale, of course. Well, here we are.' As she reached to draw back one of the broad doors, Pearl closed a hand on her wrist. 'In a moment. Now, there's actually more than one person within that we need to question. A couple of veterans – leave them to me. There's also a lad, was a guard at a mining camp. Work your charms on him while I'm talking with the other two.'
    Lostara stared at him. 'My charms,' she said, deadpan.
    Pearl grinned. 'Aye, and if you leave him smitten, well, consider it a future investment in case we need the lad later.'
    'I see.'
    She opened the door, stepping back to let Pearl precede her. The air within the stables was foul. Urine, sweat, honing oil and wet straw. Soldiers were everywhere, lying or sitting on beds or on items from a collection of ornate furniture that had come from the main house. There was little in the way of conversation, and even that fell away as heads turned towards the two strangers.
    'Thank you,' Pearl drawled, 'for your attention. I would speak with Sergeant Gesler and Corporal Stormy ...'
    'I'm Gesler,' a solid-looking, bronze-skinned man said from where he sprawled on a plush couch. 'The one snoring under those silks is Stormy. And if you come from Oblat tell him we'll pay up ... eventually.'
    Smiling, Pearl gestured at Lostara to follow and strode up to the sergeant. 'I am not here to call in your debts. Rather, I would like to speak with you in private ... concerning your recent adventures.'
    'Is that right. And who in Fener's hoofprint are you?'
    'This is an imperial matter,' Pearl said, his gaze falling to Stormy. 'Will you wake him or shall I? Further, my companion wishes to speak with the soldier named Pella.'
    Gesler's grin was cool. 'You want to wake my corporal? Go right ahead. As for Pella, he's not here at the moment.'
    Pearl sighed and stepped to the side of the bed. A moment's study of the heap of expensive silks burying the snoring corporal, then the Claw reached down and flung the coverings clear.
    The hand that snapped to Pearl's right shin – halfway between knee and ankle – was large enough to almost close entirely around the limb. The surge that followed left Lostara gaping.
    Up. Pearl yelling. Up, as Stormy reared from the bed like
a bear prodded from its hibernation, a roar rolling from his lungs.
    Had the chamber contained a ceiling of normal height – rather than a few simple crossbeams spanning the space beneath the stable roof, none of which were, mercifully, directly overhead – Pearl would have struck it, and hard, as he was lifted into the air by that single hand clasped around his shin. Lifted, then thrown.
    The Claw cavorted, arms flailing, his knees shooting up over his head, spinning, legs kicking free as Stormy's hand let go. He came down hard on one shoulder, the breath leaving his lungs in a grunting whoosh. He lay unmoving, drawing his legs up, in increments, into a curled position.
    The corporal was standing now, shaggy-haired, his red beard in wild disarray, the oblivion of sleep vanishing from his eyes like pine needles in a fire – a fire that was quickly flaring into a rage. 'I said no-one wakes me!' he bellowed, huge hands held out to either side and clutching at the air, as if eager to close on offending throats. His bright blue eyes fixed suddenly on Pearl, who was only now moving onto his hands and knees, his head hanging low. 'Is this the bastard?' Stormy asked, taking a step closer.

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