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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
The rope lashed out from Cotillion's right hand; a long-knife was in his left, seeming to do little but lick and touch everyone it came close to – but the result was devastating. The air was a mist
of suspended blood around the patron god of assassins, and before Cutter drew his fourth breath since the battle began, it was over, and around Cotillion there was naught but corpses.
    A final snap of the rope whipped blood across a wall, then the god threw back his hood and wheeled to face Blind. He opened his mouth to say something, then shut it once more. An angry gesture, and shadows swept out to engulf the trembling Hound. When they dissipated a moment later Blind was gone.
    There was the sound of fighting beyond the courtyard and Cutter turned. 'The Malazans need help!' he shouted to Cotillion.
    'No they don't,' the god growled.
    Both spun at a loud clatter, to see Darist lying motionless beside Apsalar, the sword lying nearby, its heat igniting the leaves it lay on.
    Cotillion's face fell, as if with a sudden, deep sorrow. 'When he's done out there,' he said to Cutter, 'guide him to this sword. Tell him its names.'
    A moment later, with a final survey of the mayhem surrounding him, Cotillion vanished.
    Cutter rushed over to Apsalar. He knelt down beside her.
    Her clothes were crisped, smoke rising in tendrils in the now still air. Fire had swept through her hair, but only momentarily, it seemed, for she had plenty left; nor was her face burned, although a long red welt, already blistering, was visible in a diagonal slash down her neck. Faint jerks of her limbs – the after-effects of the sorcerous attack – showed him she still lived.
    He tried to wake her, failed. A moment later he looked up, listened. The sounds of fighting had ceased and now a single set of boots slowly approached, crunching on scorched ground.
    Cutter slowly rose and faced the archway.
    Traveller stepped into view. A sword broken three-quarters
of the way up the blade was in one gauntleted hand. Though spattered with blood, he seemed unwounded. He paused to study the scene in the courtyard.
    Somehow, Cutter knew without asking that he was the last left alive. Yet he moved none the less to look out through the archway. The Malazans were all down, motionless. Surrounding them in a ring were the corpses of half a hundred or more Tiste Edur. Quarrel-studded others lay on the trail approaching the clearing.
    I called those Malazans to their deaths. That captain – with the beautiful eyes ... He returned to where Traveller walked among the fallen Tiste Andii. And the question he asked came from a constricted throat. 'Did you speak true, Traveller?'
    The man glanced over.
    'This battle,' Cutter elaborated. 'Was it truly a Malazan battle?'
    Traveller's answering shrug chilled the Daru. 'Some of these are still alive,' he said, gesturing at the Tiste Andii.
    'And there are wounded in the cave,' Cutter pointed out.
    He watched as the man walked over to where lay Apsalar and Darist. 'She is a friend,' Cutter said.
    Traveller grunted, then he flung his broken sword aside and stepped over Darist. He reached down for the sword.
    But the man closed his gauntleted hand on the grip and lifted the weapon.
    Cutter sighed, closed his eyes for a long moment, then opened them and said, 'It is named Vengeance ... or Grief. You can choose which best suits you.'
    Traveller turned, met Cutter's eyes. 'Do you not wish it for yourself?'
    The Daru shook his head. 'It demands its wielder possess a singular will. I am not for that sword, nor, I think, will I ever be.'
    Traveller studied the blade in his hand. 'Vengeance,' he
murmured, then nodded and crouched down to retrieve the scabbard from Darist's body. 'This old man, who was he?'
    Cutter shrugged. 'A guardian. He was named Andarist. And now he's gone, and so the Throne is without a protector—'
    Traveller straightened. 'I will abide here a time. As you said, there are wounded to tend to ... and corpses to bury.'
    'I'll help—'
    'No need. The god who strode through this place has visited the Edur ships – there are small craft aboard, and supplies. Take your woman and leave this island. If more Edur chance upon this location, your presence will only impede me.'
    'How long will you plan on staying here, in Andarist's role?'
    'Long enough to do him honour.'
    A groan came from Apsalar, drawing Cutter to her. She began thrashing, as if fevered.
    'Carry her from this place,' Traveller said.

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