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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
his steps hesitant, cautious. Before too long, he was barely moving at all, edging forward by the smallest increments. And she saw that his face was beaded with sweat.
    She bit back on her questions, but slowly drew her sword once more.
    Then, finally, they came to another corpse.
    The breath whooshed from Pearl, and he sank down to his knees in front of the large, burned body.
    She waited until his breathing slowed, then cleared her throat and said, 'What just happened, Pearl?'
    'Hood was here,' he whispered.
    'Aye, I can well see that—'
    'No, you don't understand.' He reached out to the corpse, his hand closing into a fist above its broad chest, then punched down.
    The body was simply a shell. It collapsed with a dusty crunch beneath the blow.
    He glared back at her. 'Hood was here. The god himself, Lostara. Came to take this man – not just his soul, but also the flesh – all that had been infected by the warren of fire – the warren of light, to be more precise. Gods, what I would do for a Deck of Dragons right now. There's been a change in Hood's ... household.'
    'And what is the significance of all this?' she asked. 'I thought we were looking for Felisin.'
    'You're not thinking, lass. Remember Stormy's tale. And Truth's. Felisin, Heboric, Kulp and Baudin. We found what was left of Kulp back at Gryllen's wagon. And this' – his gesture was fierce – 'is Baudin. The damned Talon – though the proof's not around his neck, alas. Remember their strange skin? Gesler, Stormy, Truth? The same thing happened to Baudin, here.'
    'You called it an infection.'
    'Well, I don't know what it is. That warren changed them. There's no telling in what way.'
    'So, we're left with Felisin and Heboric Light Touch.'
    He nodded.
    'Then I feel I should tell you something,' Lostara continued. 'It may not be relevant...'
    'Go on, lass.'
    She turned to face the hills to the southwest. 'When we trailed that agent of Sha'ik's... into those hills—'
    'Kalam Mekhar.'
    'Aye. And we ambushed Sha'ik up at the old temple at the summit – on the trail leading into Raraku—'
    'As you have described.'
    She ignored his impatience. 'We would have seen all this. Thus, the events we've just stumbled upon here occurred after our ambush.'
    'Well, yes.'
    She sighed and crossed her arms. 'Felisin and Heboric are with the army of the Apocalpyse, Pearl. In Raraku.'
    'What makes you so certain?'
    She shrugged. 'Where else would they be? Think, man. Felisin's hatred of the Malazan Empire must be all-consuming. Nor would Heboric hold much love for the empire that imprisoned and condemned him. They were desperate, after Gryllen's attack. After Baudin and Kulp died. Desperate, and probably hurting.'
    He slowly nodded, straightened from his crouch beside the corpse. 'One thing you've never explained to me, Lostara. Why did your ambush fail?'
    'It didn't. We killed Sha'ik – I would swear to it. A quarrel in the forehead. We could not recover the body because of her guards, who proved too much for our company. We killed her, Pearl.'
    'Then who in Hood's name is commanding the Apocalypse?'
    'I don't know.'
    'Can you show me this place of ambush?'
    'In the morning, aye. I can take you right there.'
    He simply stared at her, even as the sphere of light above them began to waver, then finally vanished with a faint sigh.
    His memories had awakened. What had lain within the T'lan Imass, layered, indurated by the countless centuries, was a landscape Onrack could read once more. And so, what he saw before him now ... gone were the mesas on the horizon, the wind-sculpted towers of sandstone, the sweeps of windblown sand and white ribbons of ground coral. Gone the gorges, arroyos and dead riverbeds, the planted fields and irrigation ditches. Even the city to the north, on the horizon's very edge, clinging like a tumour to the vast winding river, became insubstantial, ephemeral to his mind's eye.
    And all that he now saw was as it had been ... so very long ago.
    The inland sea's cloudy waves, rolling like the promise of eternity, along a shoreline of gravel that stretched north, unbroken all the way to the mountains that would one day be called the Thalas, and south, down to encompass the remnant now known as the Clatar Sea. Coral reefs revealed their sharkskin spines a sixth of a league beyond the beach, over which wheeled seagulls and long-beaked birds long since extinct.
    There were figures walking along the strand. Renig Obar's clan, come to trade whale

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