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A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring)

A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring)

Titel: A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Morgan Rice
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turn. There were long benches, and some men stood, while others sat, singing
drinking songs and banging their tankards into their friends’, or banging them
on the table. It was a rowdy, festive environment, and Thor had never seen
anything like it.
time in an alehouse?” Elden asked, practically shouting to be heard.
nodded back, feeling like a rube once again.
bet you’ve never even had a tankard of ale, have you?” asked Conven, clapping
him on the shoulder with a laugh.
course I have,” Thor shot back defensively.
was blushing, though, and hoped no one could tell, because, in fact, he never
had. His father had never allowed it. And even if he did, he was sure he
couldn’t afford it.
good then!” cried out Conval. “Bartender, give us a round of your strongest.
Thor here is an old pro!”
of the twins put down a gold coin, and Thor was amazed at the money these boys
carried; he wondered what family they hailed from. That coin could have lasted
his family a month back in his village.
moment later a dozen tankards of foaming ale were slid across the bar, and the
boys pushed their way through and grabbed them; a cask got shoved into Thor’s
hand. The foam dripped over the side of his hand, and his stomach twisted in
anticipation. He was nervous.
our hunt!” Reece called out.
OUR HUNT!” the others echoed.
followed the others, trying to act natural as he raised the foaming liquid to
his lips. He took a sip, and hated the taste, but saw the others gulping theirs
down, not removing them from their lips until they finished. Thor felt obliged
to do the same, or else look like a coward. He forced himself to drink it,
gulping it down as fast he could, until finally, halfway through, he set it
down, coughing.
others looked at him, and roared with laughter. Elden clapped him on the back.
    “It is your first time, isn’t it?” he asked.
reddened as he wiped foam from his lips. Luckily, before he could reply, there
came a shout in the room, and they all turned to see several musicians shove their
way in. They started playing on lutes and flutes, clanging cymbals, and the
rowdy atmosphere heightened.
brother!” came a voice.
turned to see a boy a few years older than him, with a small belly yet broad
shoulders, unshaven, looking somewhat slovenly, step forward and embrace Reece
in an awkward hug. He was joined by three companions, who seemed equally
never thought I’d find you here!” he added.
once in a while I need to follow in my brother’s footsteps, don’t I?” Reece
shouted back with a smile. “Thor, do you know my brother, Godfrey?”
turned and shook Thor’s hand, and Thor could not help but notice how smooth and
plump it was. It was not a warrior’s hand.
course I know the newcomer,” Godfrey said, leaning in too close and slurring
his words. “The whole kingdom is alive with talk of him. A fine warrior I
hear,” he said to Thor. “Too bad. What a waste of a talent for the alehouse!”
leaned back and roared with laughter, and his three companions joined him. One
of them, a head taller than the others, with a huge belly, bright red cheeks,
and flush with drink, leaned forward and clamped a hand on Thor’s shoulder.
is a fine trait. But it sends you to the battlefield, and keeps you cold. Being
a drunk is a better trait: it keeps you safe and warm—and assures a warm lady
by your side!”
roared with laughter, as did the others, and the bartender set down fresh
tankards of ale for all of them. Thor hoped he wouldn’t be asked to drink; he
could already feel the ale rushing to his head.
was his first hunt today!” Reece yelled out to his brother.
it then?” Godfrey replied. “Well then that calls for a drink, doesn’t it?”
two!” his tall friend echoed.
looked down as another cup was shoved into his palm.
firsts!” Godfrey called out.
FIRSTS!” the others echoed.
your life be filled with firsts,” the tall one echoed, “except for the first
time being sober!”
all roared with laughter as they drank.
sipped his, then tried to get away with lowering it—but Godfrey caught him.
not the way you drink it, boy!” Godfrey yelled. He stepped forward, grabbed the
tankard, put it to Thor’s lips, and the men all laughed as Thor gulped it down.
He set

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