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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
Vom Netzwerk:
I thought he’d be one of the big stars ’til he started having injuries.”
    “Dad?” Cody couldn’t believe his calm, grey-haired father ever had set the world on fire.
    “You didn’t get it all from Val, you know, even though she does sport a great set of cojones for a girl. Your dad could have been a great rider if he hadn’t had that last bad wreck. But he didn’t just give up on life after that. You don’t hear him complaining about bad breaks; he knew the risks. He moved on. Raises bucking pony stock. Runs a good ranch. Trains kids to ride. Loves his wife.” Sam paused. “There’s more to life than eight seconds of adrenaline every weekend.”
    “I guess I’m a competition junkie.”
    “More’n one way to compete, son. There’s nothing more exciting than winning a buckle off a bull you raised up and trained yourself. And it’s a hell of a lot easier when someone else is out there riding him.”
    “So you’re rooting against us riders for the bull.” Cody smirked.
    “Actually, I’m rooting for both. As a former rider, I want a cowboy to do well. As a stockman, I like seeing that fighting spirit in my bulls too. Nothing like a great ride, from either side. Besides, when a cowboy makes money on a good ride, so does the bull.”
    “I am proud of my stock. Guess maybe I should spend a little more time on that angle.” Sam couldn’t know, but it was a huge admission for Cody to make. He swallowed hard. No matter what anyone said, this wasn’t going to be his last year as a rider if he had anything to say about it.
    “Seeing as I’m here, why don’t we kill two birds with one stone? Show me around and let me see some of your feisty young stock.”
    Cody put on his hat and sunglasses to minimize the stabbing pain in his eyes. Even so, he almost reeled back in shock when he opened the door but managed not to groan out loud.
    Everyone seemed to be hanging around or at least it felt that way. Val and Davis joined them as they walked toward the field where his bulls were pastured, and Cody fell behind, listening to them chat with Sam. Cody was surprised at how close Sam was to his parents. Somehow, he’d always seen himself as the connection, but clearly they went way back. Hearing his father and Sam jawing about rides he’d never heard of, Cody had a feeling Sam hadn’t just stopped in on his way to somewhere else.
    Compromise. A word he hated, but maybe one he was going to have to get used to. He was sure Sam didn’t know about him and Johnny, but a lot of what he said hit home there as well.
    Travis and RJ were standing by the fence when they arrived. RJ was scratching a two-year-old’s forehead, and the bull was grunting with enjoyment as he shifted his head to get the hand where he wanted it.
    Sam chuckled at the sight. “Hi, fellas. Hard to believe these bulls will buck you off quicker than a fly on a pile of bullshit when you see them like that.”
    “Hey, Sam. Yeah, this one will follow you around like a puppy ’til you strap a blanket to his back,” Travis said.
    Sam rested his arms on the top rail and pushed back his hat. He pointed at a red bull with a patch of white on his forehead. “Like the looks of that one. Great build for it. How is he in the ring?”
    Eagerly, Cody said, “Red Snapper. I have high hopes for that one. He’s a real fire-eater. Great bloodline and he’s coming along.”
    “You’ve got an eye for stock, son. I think you might have something here. Tell me about your program.”
    At first Cody stammered but Travis was more than willing to help out, and soon they were describing the training and feeding regime in detail.
    “I like your ideas,” Sam said. “If I can be of any help, call on me. Once you put a couple years into a few of these bulls, I expect I’ll be seeing them in the Top Cut arena.”
    “That’s my hope,” Cody said. “Thanks for coming by to take a look.”
    “Well, boys, I got to hit the road.” Sam shook hands with the men and kissed Val on the cheek. “You must be proud of your boy.”
    “On occasion.” Val smiled as she said it. “He has his points.”
    “I’ll walk you to your truck, sir.” Cody glared at his mother, who smiled sweetly at him.
    As they walked back to the house, Cody took in a few deep breaths, realizing it was a nice day.
    “Feeling almost human again?”
    “Yeah. Hair of the dog helped. And the coffee.” Cody took a deep breath. “So hit me with it.”
    “With what?”
    “You didn’t

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