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Eye for an Eye

Eye for an Eye

Titel: Eye for an Eye Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: T F Muir
Vom Netzwerk:
with Fife Constabulary the stagnating career of Detective Inspector Andrew James Gilchrist, father of Jack and Maureen, ex-husband of Gail Gilchrist, née Jamieson, is herewith terminated.
    He was finished. Just like that.
    And that thought brought him to a decision. After twenty-seven years, they could bloody well suffer him for one more day. He switched off his mobile, stuffed it into his jacket pocket, and drove to Beth’s shop.
    It always struck Gilchrist that This and That had the lazy ambience of a library reading room. The soulful sound of Kenny G filled the air. Beth looked up from sorting the shelves, her eyes seeming to dance with pleasure at his arrival. He handed over her keys and the envelopes with the repair estimates.
    ‘Any good news?’ she asked.
    ‘Not as bad as it could be.’
    He enjoyed being close to her again and his frustration at the imminent loss of his career seemed to melt him. He breathed in her smell, a hint of familiar perfume, an altogether female fragrance that both pleased and aroused him.
    When he finished telling her about his rounds of the garages, she asked, ‘How did it go with Gail?’
    ‘She’s not handling it well,’ he said. ‘She’s bitter, hurt, angry, confused. All of the above.’
    ‘Is she in any pain?’
    ‘Not according to Jack. But I never really had a conversation with her. I just can’t ...’
    ‘Andy, I’m so sorry.’
    He shook his head. Even though it had been Gail who had the affair, he felt as if he had let her down in some way. He cared for her, wanted to help her, but she would not let him near. ‘Maybe I’m frustrated at my own failure,’ he said. ‘I know she’s got Harry now, and the kids keep in touch with her. But Gail and I had a life together. We were happy once.’ He shrugged. ‘At least I thought we were.’
    Beth seemed to give his words some thought, then said, ‘Maybe she wants to let you in, Andy, but doesn’t know how.’
    ‘She seems to be way past that now. For whatever reason, she can’t stand me. And as for Harry, well, what can I say?’
    Dark smudges stained the skin under Beth’s eyes like misapplied mascara. ‘How are Jack and Maureen holding up?’
    ‘Jack’s hurting,’ he said. ‘But he’d have you believe he’s taking it all in his stride. He talks to his mum every other day, and visits her twice a week. Alone,’ he added, deciding not to divulge Gail’s hurtful comment. ‘God knows if he’ll ever make it as an artist. But he keeps doing his own stuff and seems to be making some kind of living. I never saw Maureen. She was in Edinburgh for a couple of days. With her boyfriend. Don’t ask which one.’
    ‘She didn’t get to see her wonderful present?’
    ‘Afraid not.’
    ‘Did Jack like his?’
    ‘He liked it so much he said, Cool.’
    Gilchrist loved the high pitch of Beth’s laugh and the way her eyes creased with pleasure. It struck him that his life had been devoid of real happiness since they split up. On impulse, he said, ‘Are you doing anything later?’
    Her surprise deflated him.
    ‘I’m not sure, Andy, I—’
    ‘I mean, would you like a drink, or a bite to eat? Or even just a chat. To catch up.’ He hoped his smile would resolve the doubt he caught shifting behind her eyes. ‘If you’re free, that is,’ he added.
    ‘I can’t get out of here until six at the earliest.’
    ‘I think I can survive until then.’
    ‘And I was planning to take some paperwork home with me. Accounts.’
    Gilchrist gave a quick shrug to hide his disappointment. ‘If you’re busy, that’s okay. Why don’t you give me a call if you can find the time? All right?’
    She nodded and smiled.
    But when Gilchrist glanced over his shoulder as he left the shop, she had her back to him.
    Robbie McRoberts reached across to the passenger’s seat and dug his fingers into a fat thigh.
    ‘Wakey wakey, Kev, old son.’
    Kev groaned, tried to rub the pain from his leg. ‘Fuck sake, Robbie, I’ve got a wife and kids, you know.’ He pulled himself up on his seat.
    ‘Keep that ugly coupon of yours out of sight. He’ll see you.’
    Kev slid back down into his seat. ‘What’s he at?’
    Robbie scratched a podgy finger at his bald head. ‘It looks like he’s going for a walk, is what he’s at.’
    Kev tried to peer over the dashboard.
    ‘Come to Daddy, you fucker.’
    ‘Still see him?’
    ‘I see him all right. But does he see me? is what I ask myself.’ Robbie let out a laugh that formed

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