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Fluke: Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings

Fluke: Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings

Titel: Fluke: Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Christopher Moore
Vom Netzwerk:
remaining dreads and quickstepped through the double glass doors, dragging the bent-over surfer behind her.
    "Ouch, ouch, ouch," Kona chanted in perfect four/four reggae rhythm.

    Spirits in the Night
    Nate spent the whole afternoon and most of the evening trying to analyze spectrograms of whale-song recordings, correlate behavior patterns, and then chart the corresponding patterns of interaction. The problem was figuring out what actually defined interaction for an eighty-thousand-pound animal? Were animals interacting when they were five hundred yards away? A thousand? A mile, ten miles? The song was certainly audible for miles; the low, subsonic frequencies could travel literally thousands of miles in deep ocean basins.
    Nate tried to put himself in their world – no boundaries, no obstacles. They lived, for the most part, in a world of sound, yet they had acute eyesight, both in and out of the water, and special muscles in the eye that allowed them to change focus for either medium. You interacted with animals you could both see and not see. When Nate and Clay used satellite tags, of which they could afford only a few, or rented a helicopter, from which they could observe animals from a wide perspective, it appeared that the whales were indeed responding to each other from miles apart. How do you study an animal that is socializing over a distance of miles? The key had to be in the song, in the signal somewhere. If for no other reason than that was the only way to approach the problem.
    Midnight found him sitting alone in the office, lit only by the glow of his computer monitor, having forgotten to eat, drink, or relieve himself for four hours, when Kona came in.
    "What's that?" asked the surfer, pointing to the spectrograph that was scrolling across the screen.
    Nate nearly jumped out of the chair, then caught himself and pulled the headphones down. "The part that's scrolling is the spectrograph of the humpback song. The different colors are frequency, or pitch. The wiggly line in this box is an oscilloscope. It shows frequency, too, but I can use it to isolate each range by clicking on it."
    Kona was eating a banana. He handed another one to Nate without taking his eyes off the screen. "So this is what it looks like? The song?" Kona had forgotten to affect any of his accents, so Nate forgot to be sarcastic in reply.
    "It's a way of looking at it. Humans are visual animals. Our brains are better suited to process visual information rather than acoustic information, so it's easier for us to think about sound by looking at it. A whale or a dolphin's brain is structured to process acoustics more than visuals."
    "What are you looking for?"
    "I'm not sure. I'm looking for a signal. For some pattern of information in the structure of the song."
    "Like a message?"
    "Maybe a message."
    "And it's not in the musical parts?" Kona asked. "The difference in notes? Like a song? You know the prophet Bob Marley gave us the wisdom of HIM in song."
    Quinn swiveled in his chair and paused in midbite of his banana. "HIM? What's that?"
    "His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia, Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ on earth, son of God. His blessings upon us. Jah, mon."
    "You mean Haile Selassie, the Ethiopian king who died in the 1970s? That Haile Selassie?"
    "Yah mon. HIM, the direct descendant of David as foretold in Isaiah, through the divine consort Solomon and Makeda, the queen of Sheba, and from their sons all the emperors of Ethiopia have come. So we Rastas believe that Haile Selassie is Jesus Christ alive on earth."
    "But he's dead, how's that work?"
    "It helps to be stoned."
    "I see," Nate said. Well, that did explain a lot. "Anyway, to answer your question, yes, we've looked at the musical transmission, but despite Bob Marley I think the answer is here, in this low register, but only because it travels the farthest."
    "Can you freeze this?" said Kona, pointing to the oscilloscope, a green line dancing on a field of black.
    Nate clicked it and froze a jagged line on the screen. "Why?"
    "Those teeth? See, there are tall ones and not so tall ones."
    "They're called microoscillations. You can only see them if you have the wave stopped like this."
    "What if the tall one is a one and the short one is a zero? What's that?"
    "Yah, mon, what if it's computer talk, like that?"
    Nate was stunned. Not because he thought Kona was right, but because the kid had actually had the cognitive powers to

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