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Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Titel: Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge
Autoren: Kresley Cole
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above her, appearing to rest them against the wall. With his gaze locked on her breasts, he clenched and unclenched his hands as if he was imagining squeezing them. She felt a thrill when he subtly rubbed his tongue over a fang, those red eyes smoldering like embers.
    “Did you think I was bluffing?”
    Never glancing up, he gave her a sharp nod, as if he didn’t trust himself to speak.
    “I never bluff. If it took baring my body to prove you can see me, then look your fill, Conrad.” When he finally raised his eyes to meet hers, she tilted her head and cast him a flirtatious smile. “But why have you ignored me?”
    He said, “Because you’re not... you weren’t real,” then winced as if he found his comment idiotic.
    He’d thought she was a hallucination! Poor vampire! He hadn’t ignored her for any reason other than the need for self-preservation. “Do you want me to be real?” Drifting away from the wall, she sauntered toward him, her eyes holding his. He didn’t seem to realize that he was easing toward her, leaving the spray of the water. “I’m Néomi,” she purred.
    “Néomi,” he repeated absently. “Does nothing abash you?”
    She shook her head, and her hair bounced over her shoulders and lower. When the locks swayed across her nipples, his gaze dipped once more. “And it’s difficult for me to regret undressing when my vampire’s giving me a look that makes my toes curl.”
    He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple working. “I make your toes curl?”
    She nodded. “Would you like me to come in with you?”
    His brows drew together. “Why would you want to?”
    She told him honestly, “Because right now you are my favorite man in the entire world.”

    A half-naked ghost with high, plump breasts wants to get into the shower with him.
    And he has no idea how to go about processing this. He starts sweating, his teeth grinding. He has no experience like this to draw from.
    He was born and raised in a conservative culture. As an adult, he’s never been wholly unclothed in front of a woman, certainly has never washed himself in front of one.
    Yet this female is standing before him, clad in only her hose, garters, and a pair of wicked panties. They’re black and lined with a tight band of jet lace that cuts up across the generous curves of her ass. Her breasts are proudly bared.
    She’s acting as natural as if he and she were wed. I don’t even know her last name.
    Unable to help himself, he rakes another hungry gaze over her body. She’s surprisingly defined, her legs taut and strong. The lines of her form are lithe—a dancer’s body, with softly flaring hips and a tiny waist he can span with his hands.
    And those breasts...
    He shakes his head. She’s too pretty. A half-naked beauty dropped into his shower? Into his life? This simply isn’t in keeping with his fortunes over the centuries. “You’re probably not real.” When she grins, he curses his clumsiness with this. He wishes for Murdoch’s ease with women—he never has before, even when he’d recognized at a young age that he lacked charm.
    “Do you often see things that aren’t real?”
    “Daily.” But if she is real... “Come in. If you wish to.”
    Her gaze holds his as she drifts toward him. She has sultry blue eyes, knowing eyes. Hypnotic. He finds his body arching toward her of its own will.
    She floats into the stall with him. Inside, the water doesn’t wet her, instead sparking off her like minuscule electrical flares, seeming like glitter.
    A dream—an erotic one. Can he really be naked with an almost nude dancer? Enjoy it.
    Bloody how? He can’t feel lust. He isn’t erect. And... she’s a ghost!
    That doesn’t seem to be stopping her. He can sense her energy, as strong as it’s ever felt to him. It radiates off her in waves, slingshotting from her to him and back again.
    “Le dément has a magnificent body, n’est-ce pas? So strong, virile.”
    He feels that increasingly familiar heat on the back of his neck. “Do not call me that again.”
    “So you speak French among all your many languages?” When he replies with a curt nod, she says, “Well, what shall I call you, then? Conrad the Mad? Conrad the Crazed? Or I could call you my vampire?” Softening her tone, she says, “I think you like that.”
    How can she read him so well?
    She murmurs, “If you can hear me, and you can see me, I wonder what else is possible. Perhaps I can... maybe I can try to feel you?” The yearning in her
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