Lizenz zum Töten: Die Mordkommandos der Geheimdienste (German Edition)
»Mossad Zeros in on Tehran’s Nuclear Program«, Spiegel-online v. 17. 1. 2011; Gordon Thomas, »Mossad: was this the chief’s last hit?«, Telegraph v. 5. 12. 2010; »Report: Israel’s Mossad scales back covert operations in Iran«, Haaretz v. 31. 3. 2012; »How Mossad killed an Iranian Scientist«, »Iran Today«, TV Press , ( ); Gabriel Lerner, »Azeri Jews: Centuries of coexistence in Azerbaijan«, Jewish Journal v. 11. 1. 2008; »Azerbeijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border«, Haaretz v. 29. 3. 2012; Grove Thomas, »Azerbeijan eyes aiding Israel against Iran«, Reuters v. 30. 9. 2012; William Tobey, »Nuclear scientists as assassination targets«, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists v. 12. 1. 2012; Dan Raviv, Yossi Melman, »Spies Against Armageddon«, New York 2012; »Is the Mossad targeting Iran’s nuclear scientists?« Time v. 30. 11. 2011; David Sanger and William Broad, »Survivor of attack leads nuclear efforts in Iran«, New York Times v. 22. 7. 2011; Ulrike Putz, »Todesengel mit Magnetbomben«, Spiegel-online v. 11. 1. 2012; »Iranischer Atomforscher durch Autobombe getötet«, Spiegel-online v. 11. 1. 2012; »Tracking the Secret War on Iran«, Mother Jones v. 9. 2. 2012; Nicholas Blanford, »The Mystery Behind a Syrian Murder«, Time v. 7. 8. 2008; Hugh Macleod und Ian Black, »Top Assad aide assassinated at Syrian resort«, The Guardian v. 5. 8. 2008; »How Israel Destroyed Syria’s Al Kibar Nuclear Reactor«, Der Spiegel v. 2. 11. 2009; Interview mit Gad Shimron am 27. 3. 2012; Interview mit Eliezer Tsafrir am 23. 5. 2012; Interview mit Ephraim Asculai am 22. 5. 2012; Interview mit Philip G. Alston am 5. 6. 2012; Egmont R. Koch, »Lizenz zum Töten – Wie Israel seine Feinde liquidiert«, ARD v. 3. 4. 2013, 23.45 Uhr; Cable 07TELAVIV2652 an State Department v. 31. 8. 2007; ABC News Exclusive : The Secret War Against Iran v. 3. 4. 2007, ; »Jundallah Terrorist Organization in Iran«; »US lists Iran group Jundallah as terrorists« BBC -News v. 3. 11. 2010; Seymour M. Hersh, »Annals of National Security: Preparing the Battlefield«, The New Yorker v. 7. 7. 2008; Mark Perry, »False Flag«, Foreign Policy v. 13. 1. 2012; »Israeli Mossad agents posed as CIA spies to recruit terrorists to fight against Iran«, Haaretz v. 13. 1. 2012; Amir Oren, »Israeli official: Report of Mossad agents posing as CIA spies ›absolute nonsense‹«, Haaretz v. 14. 1. 2012; Richard Silverstein, »Israeli IntelligenceSource Denies Jundallah False Flag Story«, OpEd v. 15. 1. 2012, ; »Iran death penalty for ›Israeli spy‹ Majid Jamali Fashi«, BBC -News v. 28. 8. 2011; Alan Cowell, »Iran Executes Man Accused as Israeli Spy and Assassin«, The New York Times v. 15. 5. 2012; »Mutmaßlicher Mossad-Agent im Iran hingerichtet«, Focus v. 15. 5. 2012; Dieter Bednarz, »Mysterious Assassination in Iran: Who Killed Masoud Ali Mohammadi?«, Spiegel-online v. 18. 2. 2010.
Israelische Inlandsgeheimdienste
Tödlicher Irrtum – der Fall Qawasmeh
»Wilful Killing of Umar Qawasmi«, Al-Haq Press Release v. 15. 1. 2001; Interview mit Dr. Shawan Jabarin, Generaldirektor Al-Haq am 24. 3. 2012 in Ramallah; Interview mit Al-Haq Field Officer Hisham Sharabati, am 29. 3. 2012 in Hebron; »Joint written statement submitted by Al-Haq and others«, UN General Assembly, Human Rights Council, 16th session, A7HRC/16/NGO/91 v. 25. 2. 2011; Press Statement Palestinian Authority Cabinet Meeting v. 11. 1. 2011; Interview mit Subiyeh al-Qawasmeh am 29. 3. 2012 in Hebron; Interview mit Sana al-Bitar, Statement v. 7. 1. 2011 in Al-Haq-Videobericht »The Wilful Killing of Umar Qawasmi«; Interview mit Maher al-Qadi am 29. 3. 2012 in Hebron; »IDF regrets civilian death in Hebron, but defends operation«, Haaretz v. 9. 1. 2011; »PA says it holds Hams prisoners to keep them, safe«, Jerusalem Post v. 7. 1. 2011; »Palestinian slain by Israeli troops in a case of mistaken identity «, Washington Post v. 8. 1. 2011: »Israel’s Unquenchable Thirst for Blood«, Pal Telegraph Jordan v. 11. 1. 2011; »Suicide Attack in Israel Kills One«, New York Times v. 5. 2. 2008; »Hamas claims Dimona attack, says bombers came from Hebron«, Haaretz v. 4.2.2008; »Israeli troops in Hebron kill Hamas man behind Dimona attack«, Haaretz v. 27. 7. 2008; »IDF kills terror mastermind in Hebron«, v. 27. 7. 2008; »PA says
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