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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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touch, Jordan was allowed closer. Winston appeared perfectly calm, but when Jordan reached for the tiny pup, he growled.
    Jordan sat back on his heels and left a hand on Winston's head. "Huh." He cocked his head. "Seems Winston has a thing for your B, Cal."
    "He can't," Cal snapped. "He's male, and he's twenty times his size."
    Snorting, Jordan glanced over his shoulder and cocked an eyebrow. "Seriously? That's your argument?" He chuckled when Cal snarled and looked away.
    "How 'bout it, buddy?" Jordan leaned closer to Winston. "Afraid somebody's going to take away your pup?" Winston gave a soft woof and burrowed his nose into B's fluffy white fur.
    Jordan stood and faced Cal. "Well, he's not hurting him." He scratched his head. "But I'm not really sure how to convince him to let him go."
    Winston was studying them, watery eyes flicking back and forth between the two wary men. At Jordan's words, the huge dog gracelessly rose and, with a last nose-to-nose with B, lumbered towards them.
    Jordan and Cal watched wordlessly. Thomas and Kody rushed forward to snatch up the little one, though he was obviously perfectly fine, if a bit drooled upon. Thomas made a point of announcing they were taking B inside to clean him off, leaving the men alone.
    Cal gazed suspiciously back at him and Jordan found himself without words. He stepped forward, reaching for him, but Cal retreated. Then he was gone. Jordan blinked, seeing Cal on the ground, where he'd landed on his ass thanks to Winston's interference. The big dog panted up at Jordan. He could practically hear the "you're welcome."
    "Damn menace," Cal grumbled, glaring up at Jordan from his seat on the ground. Jordan grinned and held a hand towards him in an offer to help him up. Cal snarled. "I can manage."
    Jordan raised his hands. "Suit yourself." He didn't move, deliberately crowding him so he'd have to come close to him to rise or make a scene by rolling away first. Cal wasn't to be intimidated. He was on one knee, on his way to standing, when Winston slammed into him—again—from behind.
    "God damn it!" Cal caught himself on his hands, damn near landing with his head between Jordan's legs. He knelt back on his heels immediately and wiped his hands on his thighs. For his part, Jordan was in equal parts agony and sympathy. His cock was responding to the sight of Cal on his knees, but the man was obviously distraught enough that it twisted something in Jordan's chest. This time, Jordan was solemn when he offered his hand, not wanting to sting Cal's pride any further.
    But when Cal clasped his hand, he didn't rise. He remained on his knees, holding Jordan's hand, eventually raising his head to stare helplessly into his eyes. Jordan was lost. Cal had to see that. And so he must have, because he sighed and lowered his eyes, then leaned forward, so slowly, until his shoulder rested against Jordan's thigh. Cal's head dropped, hugging Jordan between his shoulder and neck.
    Jordan couldn't breathe. He stared down and reached for the dark curls resting against him. "Cal." He could barely hear himself.
    "You said—" Cal's voice was muted, hidden away as he was. He stopped abruptly and shook his head.
    "What, sweetheart?" Jordan tugged gently at the curls to lift his face so he could see him. "Don't hide. Tell me."
    Cal swallowed audibly, and then, in an achingly tight voice, said, "You said you saw me. That you knew what I needed."
    Jordan knew immediately how he'd screwed up. "I know. I'm sorry."
    "You let me leave." Cal dropped his forehead to Jordan's thigh, and Jordan let him rest there for a second before he dropped to his knees in front of him.
    "I was wrong." Jordan cupped Cal's chin and brushed his hair from his forehead. "I know that now."
    But Cal still looked unconvinced.
    "Sweetheart, I'm not perfect." Jordan brushed light kisses over Cal's face. His brow, his cheeks. "I was so terrified of losing you that I let doubt influence me. I shouldn't have." Cal's eyes had closed and he sighed as he accepted Jordan's touches.
    Cal eventually spoke. "I don't know how to do this. The right way to do this." He swallowed. "But I want to. I want this. You. Us," he whispered, opening his eyes, a plea for understanding shining in the dark depths. "I want to try."
    "We'll do it together." Jordan's voice was strong, steadying because his world was clicking into place. "We'll take it slow." He didn't know what the future held for them, but he'd be right by Cal's side, and that felt more

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