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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
    "My mum?"
    "She's here, down the corridor."
    I tried to sit up, only to discover straps restrained my chest, arms and legs. "Why are these things on me? I can't move."
    "They're on you to stop you moving to give your injuries a chance to heal. Your left arm is broken and in a cast. Your right arm and left leg were slashed to the bone and you took a bad hit above your eye. As well, two lower ribs are broken. So you need to be patient and lie still to give everything a chance to mend."
    Tears flooded my eyes as I erupted into fits of weeping, abruptly interrupted by a sharp pain on my side, below my right chest. I held my breath, vainly trying to wish the pain away, hearing Drew mention my broken ribs were the cause. "Thanks for saving us," I eventually managed to say. "How bad is she?"
    I heard footsteps and tilted my head, making out an image beside me. "He's awake now, Mum," I heard Drew say. "He wants to know about his mum."
    I saw her image lean over me and felt her hand on my cheek. "Thank God you rang us, Alex. Now, your mother will be fine. She's not nearly as injured as you are, having concussion, lacerations and bad bruising."
    I nodded, thoughts of the last time I saw her coming to mind, lying bloodied and face down on the kitchen floor. I recalled thinking she was dead until I heard her noisy breathing. I still felt bad that I couldn't assist her, not having the strength, or ability for that matter, to do much. "Thanks, Sunny. Thanks for coming all this way to help us. I'm sorry to bother—"
    "You're not, so don't give thought to that idea. In our eyes, you are a very courageous young man for defending your mother against that brute and for walking all that way to the phone in your injured state. I don't know how you managed with your broken arm and ribs. Now, the nurse will be here soon to feed you and replace some dressings, including your eye bandage, and make you comfortable for the evening. I'll say good night now, sweetie." I saw her image close in on me and felt her lips touch my cheek. "Sleep well. We'll be back in the morning."
    I heard her departing footsteps and felt Drew clutch my hand. "I promise you, Alex, we'll help you and I'll be by your side all the way." I heard his sniffles and saw his head block my view again. I felt his lips on mine as his hands touched my cheeks and his tears fall on me, and heard footsteps approaching. "Goodnight, my friend," he whispered, then rose.
    In those few seconds, that fuzzy warm feeling surged through me. I felt I floated in the arms of an angel in the clouds above my dad's shoulders, safe and secure in his love and trust. Now I understood that feeling that surfaced only when I thought of Dad, and thanked him for letting me share my love between him and the new boy in my life, the boy I now treasured. That I should have met him and his family I knew I shall be forever grateful.
    "Goodnight, Drew," I rasped, seeing his hazy image pass my bed, and hear him exchange his evening wishes with the nurse.
    The following afternoon I felt much the same, drowsy from the drugs and still with blurred vision, which the nurse mentioned would continue for a couple more days. Sunny and Drew visited early then returned, Drew on my right clutching my hand when I finally woke. About twenty minutes later, Jim entered with three other people who sat around the bed.
    "Alex, the police haven't found your stepfather," he stated. "They need some information to help them apprehend him. Do you feel well enough to answer some questions?"
    "I'll try."
    The blue image at the end of the bed moved. "Hello, Alex. I'm Inspector McDonald from Police Headquarters in Sydney. Do you know where he may have travelled or where he may be hiding?"
    "Does he own firearms?"
    "Yes, two rifles."
    "Where does he keep them?"
    "In the office safe."
    "Do you know why he attacked your mother?"
    "They were arguing, then she started screaming and I ran to help her. He appeared drunk, in a rage."
    "Has he attacked your mother or you before?"
    "Not like that. He's slapped her a few times."
    "And you?"
    "I hate him."
    "Why, Alex?"
    I rolled my head to stare above, realising the moment had arrived, that the truth had to be told, that I had to unload my mind of the secret. I started trembling and felt the early signs of vomit coming on. "Get me a tray. Quick." I yelled. "I'm gonna be sick."
    Sunny got a towel to me in time, while someone called a nurse who cleaned my mess and washed my mouth with

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