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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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some gargle stuff. I spat the vile tasting muck into a tray and then the nurse cleaned my face. After I settled and assured them I could continue, the Inspector repeated the question. I tilted my blurry eye towards Drew and clutched his hand as best I could. "Drew, I'm sorry," I croaked as a tide of tears erupted. "Please forgive me."
    He cupped my hand, rose, leaned over me, and brushed the un-bandaged part of my forehead and cheek. "What do you mean, Alex? There's nothing to forgive."
    "Yes, there is," I said between sobs. "I've haven't been honest with you. I haven't told you stuff. You see… he's raped me—"
    "Oh god, no," Drew screamed over the rest of the commotion in the room. He slumped to his chair then leaned forward and drenched my hand with his tears amid quakes of weeping. His Mum ran to his side, pulled him to her while murmuring calming words, and leaned over to hug my neck, expressing her sorrows. The noise in the room hushed except for Drew and Sunny's sobs.
    "Please continue, Alex."
    "Inspector, he's raped me up my bum most days since he married Mum seven years ago, when I was eleven."
    "No!" Drew cried again. He squeezed my fingers tighter, then returned his wet face to my hand.
    "I'm sorry, Drew, I couldn't tell you earlier. He would've killed me if he found out."
    The voice in the white coat sounded. "Alex's testimony corroborates our examination and findings of seminal fluid in his rectum and anal tears, indicating recent, and obviously rough, penetration, Inspector. He also confirms our belief of frequent, long-term abuse."
    "Are you implying he raped the boy after the bashing?"
    "Yes, Jim."
    "Alex, is that true?"
    I nodded and heard their comments of disbelief and disgust. "I thought he'd killed Mum and was gonna kill me, too. He clobbered me on the head and flattened me, sort of half knocking me out. He dragged me by my collar into the lounge room, flopped me over the lounge chair back, and did me. He was like a savage animal, hurting me and mumbling every few seconds something that sounded like I'll get the orchard and the orchard's mine, not this little fuck-tard's . When he finished he left me there and I heard him drive off. I don't know why, but I didn't feel the pains from my ribs and arm until I got to my feet and tried walking."
    I heard Drew's agitation as I continued. "He's also whipped me and starved me and locked me in a dark room for days with only water and food in the morning and not letting me out to pee and poop." I tilted my head to Drew, deciding to let all the bad stuff out, hoping at best he won't throw up, or at worst, dump me. "And he's also forced me to take his cock in my mouth as often as he's raped me."
    Drew wailed again, clasping my hand in both of his as if praying, launching into new convulsions of bawling and hoarse gasps, and repeating, "No," over and over. Then he rose and wrapped his arm around my neck, still crying, laying his cheek against mine, saying, "I'm sorry," every few breaths.
    "Ssshhh, Drew, you've nothing to be sorry for." I whispered. "All of that's over now, he's out of my life, I hope." I felt Drew nod and calm over time, then take his seat and lean his face on my hand.
    The door opened and the nurse, who attended me when I woke, stated I should rest. I heard Jim thank her, mentioning he had two more questions and then the door clicked shut.
    "Did your mother know?"
    I nodded. "She knew what he did to me, but never helped me or stopped him, even when I screamed in pain and begged him to quit."
    "Oh, no, you poor, poor boy," Sunny exclaimed, while others muttered insults. "How could she?"
    "He could have been drugging her with booze and other stuff. She appeared out of her brain a lot. Often she couldn't cook meals, so ordered pizzas and Chinese and other stuff."
    "Why didn't you report all these terrible abuses to the police?"
    "I did, Jim, but they wouldn't listen to me. Neither did the teachers or the hospital people or anybody else I spoke to."
    Everyone in the room remained silent, as though stunned, I thought, until Sunny spoke. "I can't believe this happened. Are you saying nobody , not even in the hospital, helped you?"
    I nodded.
    "What type of hospital is this? Have they forgotten the oath?"
    "That's what I intend to find out, Hon." Jim answered.
    "Thank you, Alex," the Inspector said, rising. "I'm sorry to cause you this anguish. I hope to have good news for you soon."
    The doctor, Jim and the other image, who had never said a

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