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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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Arms wrapped around him and Jared slid them both a little lower on the couch.
    "Well… This isn't really science, you know… You see the shadows on her face? How the absence of light melts the features and depth on the other side of her body?"
    "What depth?" Casey snorted. "She's as two dimensional as she could get."
    "You're looking at it wrong."
    "No… the 'wrong' is that I'm even looking," Casey argued, but he knew he was smiling, and he knew Jared was too. When was the last time they'd laid on the couch, bickering in the middle of the night about something completely irrelevant? Never. That's when. And it felt good. Normal. Casual.
    "Besides… She really needs some added vitamins in her diet. She looks anemic."
    "I'm not gonna explain to you why she's painted white… you'd call me a boring nuts anyways."
    "I like boring nuts," Casey mumbled, definitely honest to his word, but he was already yawning as expected. "You say my evenings are boring? I can't watch this for five minutes without already napping."
    Jared chuckled and tucked Casey a little closer. His breath was warm against Casey's bare shoulder when he leaned a little closer. "You can sleep here… I'll wake you when I get horny again."
    Casey smirked but his eyes were shut already. And he could only barely feel the soft kiss Jared pressed against his temple, before he was already asleep.
    Author bio: I've been rambling since I was old enough to know how to hold a pencil in my hand, and I still prefer a notebook over a computer.
    Besides the boring, annoying things that need to be done, like work and doing the dishes, I write or I read. Usually for days in a row, which obviously takes away any possibility to have a healthy social life. But who needs one, anyways? I am obsessed with my writing.
    There is not enough personal space when I get my groove on, and I don't care who happens to come around; they all need to get gone.
    That said, I am no way close to as good as I'd hoped to be, so I'll continue rambling, and then rambling some more, and perhaps someday I'll manage to put out something I'm completely content with.

    by S.L. Armstrong & K. Piet

    An angel holding a man in his arms as he looks heavenward.

    Dear Author,
    Please tell me how this human man fell so hard. Let me know how his guardian angel became involved in his life, how he got so wrapped up in this man that he would risk becoming a Fallen Angel. And please, most of all, have an HEA. Beautiful, loving sex scene(s) are greatly appreciated. ;)

    genre: fantasy
    tags: first time; angels/demons/gods; addiction/drug alcohol use; interspecies; hurt/comfort
    word count: 12,938
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    by S.L. Armstrong & K. Piet
    Raziel frowned as he paced his ward's living room. How many times was Cole going to do this to himself? His wings fluttered with worry as he watched Cole kick back another glass of the very expensive—and very potent—booze. This had become a dangerous and nightly ritual for Cole, and Raziel wasn't quite certain how to alter Cole's course. It was his job, right? Put his charge's feet on the right path and guide them from beginning to end. He'd been doing just that for the last fifteen hundred years.
    Which led him to the unnerving question of why was he having such a difficult time of it now?
    Cole leaned back on the couch, his eyes drooping and clouded from the alcohol. He picked up a framed photograph and stared at it for a long time before he threw it across the room. The glass shattered as it hit the hard wood of the bar. Cole didn't bother with a glass at this point. He picked up the bottle and began to drink in earnest. Raziel's wings fluttered again. This wasn't right. It was Daniel who should be drinking, should be heartbroken, not Cole.
    Daniel. He'd been the start of this whole mess. Sweet, mind-mannered Daniel who had stood beside Cole through their years at Dartmouth. Considerate Daniel, who had loved Cole even when they barely had two pennies to scrape together. Daniel, who had been the ideal partner for Cole in every respect. Their families had adored each other, supported both Cole and Daniel. Everything had been theirs as Cole shot up the corporate ladder. Everything awaited them.
    Selfish Daniel who couldn't keep it in his trousers. Vicious Daniel who had done everything he could to shift the blame of the infidelity onto Cole. Cole's late nights. Cole's

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