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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 5

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 5

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 5 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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eyes off the screen. He tried to analyze what he saw with some sort of rationality. One of Ben's eyes was swollen and the blood seemed to be coming from his nose. The woman had a wad of tissues and appeared to be making an attempt to stop the bleeding. Tyler speculated that one of the gunmen must have struck Ben in the face.
    There was a knock on the door of the van and Tyler straightened up from his crouch near the computer and opened it. A bearded man in his mid to late forties stood there. His temples were touched with gray and he leaned on a cane.
    "Hey Griff, I'm glad to see you," said Tyler. He knew Griff Rieckert from some previous cases. The ex-FBI man had transitioned to hostage negotiation for the local police department after being critically injured in the line of duty, and left with a permanent disability. Tyler beckoned Griff inside and quickly brought him up to speed.
    "Anybody actually talk to these people yet?" asked Rieckert.
    "No. That's what you're for."
    "Okay, see if you can get them to pick up a throw phone and let's get this rolling."
    An hour crept by, then two. A little progress was made. One woman had been released in exchange for bottled water and sandwiches. When the suspect on the phone asked for a truck, Rieckert dawdled and asked numerous questions about type and size. It was all of course a delaying tactic. Vodder had no luck at installing a second video feed via the roof but instead found a way to thread a snake cam through the casing of a window after he rappelled over the edge of the roof and dangled upside down.
    With the second set of images, Caldwell helped to confirm that there were indeed four gunmen. Two held assault shotguns and the other two had handguns. Another hour dragged by and one of the gunmen was seen groping one of the women. The second male hostage tried to object and a gun was shoved against his temple. With tempers and patience stretching thin, it was becoming probable that the situation wasn't going to end peacefully, so Tyler briefed his men for a breach and containment. The plan was to launch flash-bang grenades through the front windows as a diversionary tactic, Whitson would drop the gunman who had been intermittently visible, then the team would breach through the rear door and hopefully take out all gunmen before any hostages got shot. It was risky, but choices were dwindling. The suspect who had pressed the gun to a hostage's head was visibly agitated.
    Fully geared up in tactical vests, helmets and safety glasses, weapons at the ready, the team lined up behind a tactical shield. They would use a hydraulic ram to break the rear entrance door open. Vodder would take point with Czuba right behind him. Caldwell, watching the camera feeds in the van, would give them information on changes to the situation.
    "Do you have the solution?" Czuba asked over the coms.
    "No solution yet," answered Whitson.
    Another couple of minutes dragged by, then Whitson said. "I have the solution."
    "You have the green light," said Czuba.
    The thud-crash of the grenade launch was followed by splintering scream of tearing metal as the door was torn open.
    SWAT flooded into the bank, spreading out almost instantly. Tyler scanned to his left and squeezed off a shot at the gunman who was staggering in his direction. The man went down and Tyler strode forward putting a boot on the man's chest, aiming his assault rifle at the perp. The man moaned faintly.
    Around him, Tyler could hear the calls of "all clear." He crooked a finger at Vodder to come handcuff the man on the floor. "This one's still alive. You can let the EMTs deal with him."
    "Yes, sir."
    As Tyler walked toward the far corner where the hostages were huddled, he stripped off his gloves. He could see Ben's blond head bent forward, pressed to his knees, arms wrapped around his body, shaking.
    Setting his rifle on the floor, Tyler knelt beside him and gently rubbed his hand along Ben's shoulders. "Ben? Hon? It's over."
    Slowly Ben lifted his head. He looked so terrorized it about broke Tyler's heart. Right eye swollen nearly shut, dried blood smeared across the lower half of his face and all down the front of his shirt, Ben stared at Tyler. "T-ty?"
    "You're safe, Ben." Tyler sat, and hauled Ben into his lap, kissing him very carefully. "I love you, Ben. Oh God, I thought I was gonna lose you."
    "Are they… is it…" Ben mumbled, tears running down his cheeks. He clung to Ty.
    "It's over babe, it's really over." Tyler

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