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Married By Mistake

Married By Mistake

Titel: Married By Mistake Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Abby Gaines
Vom Netzwerk:
annulment comes through, that’s all.”
    When the waiter appeared suddenly to top up their water glasses, her friend jumped a mile high.
    “What’s the matter with you?” Casey demanded. “I’ve never seen you so on edge.”
    Brodie-Ann flicked a glance over her shoulder across the crowded courtyard. “Nothing. I thought it was...” She stopped, nibbled on a thumbnail.
    “You’re scaring me,” Casey said. “I know you didn’t come here for a chat, so tell me what’s going on with you and Steve. Right now.”
    To her shock, Brodie-Ann put her hands over her face, and her shoulders started to shake. Casey dropped her fork and moved around the table to hug her friend. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
    Brodie-Ann pulled herself together and wriggled out of Casey’s embrace. “I’m sorry, I’m being silly.” She waved Casey back to her seat and managed a watery smile. “It’s just...it’s not how I thought it would be. I mean, I still adore Steve, but it’s not...” She gulped, on the verge of crying again.
    “What’s he done? Is he mean to you?” Casey half rose from her chair again.
    Brodie-Ann laughed. “Can you imagine Steve being mean to anyone? He’s wonderful. I’m lucky to have him.”
    “But?” Casey prompted.
    “You’ll think I’m so selfish.” Brodie-Ann’s gaze slid away from hers. “Before we were married, Steve was so romantic, he’d do anything for me. Once, he even laid his coat down in a puddle so I could step across, just like that guy did for Queen Elizabeth.”
    Casey looked suitably impressed, though she wouldn’t dream of stepping on a man’s coat, even if he did lay it down for her—she’d only have to launder it afterward. That kind of romantic gesture was all very well, but the kind of guy Casey could love would be one who...
    Who drops my cell phone into a vase when he sees the caller is upsetting me.
    Who listens when I suggest he apologize to his stepmother, then goes and does it. And thanks me afterward.
    Who from the very start of our marriage has made my goals as much a priority as his.
    Casey clapped a hand over her mouth, as if her thoughts might escape.
    I am not falling for Adam Carmichael.
    “Did you even hear what I said?” Brodie-Ann demanded.
    Casey shook her head in mute apology.
    Her friend tutted. “Steve still does those things sometimes, but often as not, I’m the one who’s making sacrifices. And it’s all bigger stuff than walking on coats. It’s giving up my time, my priorities.”
    “Does he give up those things, too?”
    Brodie-Ann nodded glumly. “But he was always good like that. I’m not. I’ve always been about, well, about me, ” she said with such honesty that Casey laughed. “I’m horrible, aren’t I?” she said plaintively. “As soon as Steve figures that out, he’ll leave me.”
    “Steve fell in love with the real you,” Casey reminded her. “Yes, you can be demanding. But he loves that. You can also be sweet and generous. He loves that, too. I’m right, aren’t I?”
    Brodie-Ann didn’t reply. But though her lips curved in only the smallest of smiles, her eyes gleamed. Casey fought a twinge of envy.
    “Honey, these things take time,” she said. “You and Steve are made for each other, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to work at your marriage. That’s a good thing.”
    “I guess.” Her tone wasn’t enthusiastic, but Brodie-Ann looked happier. Then she started chewing her thumbnail again. “Casey, I have a confession.”
    Casey realized the flush on her friend’s face was guilt. “What have you done?”
    “While I was worrying about whether I was right to marry Steve, I started to think about you and Joe. And although the wedding didn’t work out, I wondered if maybe you were right that you should marry someone you know really well.” Brodie-Ann babbled on, getting pinker by the second. “Obviously, I didn’t know that you, uh, liked Adam, so when Joe came to see me last night and asked if he thought he had any chance of getting back with you, and I was having lunch with you today, I, um...”
    A shadow fell across the table, and she stopped.
    “Hello, Casey,” Joe said.
    Her ex-fiancé stood there, handsome in his navy uniform, twisting his cap in his hands.
    “Sorry,” Brodie-Ann murmured. She pushed her chair back. “I’ll let you guys talk.” Before Casey could grab her, she was gone, crossing the courtyard at a pace just short of a run.
    “May I?” Joe sat in

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