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Titel: Mercy Thompson 01-05 - THE MERCY THOMPSON COLLECTION Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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and threw them all the way through the wall and into the empty hotel room next door, landing on the floor in a cloud of Sheetrock dust. Two of the wall studs hung splintered, suspended from somewhere inside the wall, giving the hole in the wall the appearance of a jack-o-lantern’s smile. The false headboard, permanently mounted into the wall where the bed had been, looked forlorn and stupid hanging a foot or more above the pedestal of the bed.
    The vampire’s speed and strength didn’t surprise me. I’d seen a few werewolves throw temper tantrums, enough to know that if the vampire had been truly angry, he wouldn’t have had the control it took to manage the physics of swinging the two unattached mattresses together through the wall. Apparently, as in werewolf fights, battles between vampires have a lot of impressive fireworks before the main show.
    In the silence that followed, I heard something, a hoarse mewling noise coming from behind the closed bathroom door—as if whatever made it had already cried out so much it could only make a small noise, but one that held much more terror than a full-throated scream.
    I wondered if Stefan knew what was in the bathroom and that was why he’d been afraid when we were in the parking lot—there were things that even a vampire ought to be afraid of. I took a deep breath, but all I could smell was the bitter darkness—and that was getting stronger. I sneezed, trying to clear my nose, but it didn’t work. Both vampires stood still until the noise stopped. Then the stranger dusted his hands lightly, a small smile on his face as if there had not been rage just an instant before.
    â€œI am remiss,” he said, but the old fashioned words sounded false coming from him, as if he were pretending to be a vampire the way the old vampires tried to be human. “You obviously do not know who I am.”
    He gave Stefan a shallow bow. It was obvious, even to me, that this vampire had grown up in a time and place where bowing was something done in Kung Fu Theater movies rather than in everyday life. “I am Asmodeus,” he said grandly, sounding like a child pretending to be a king.
    â€œI said you have no reputation,” Stefan replied, still in that light, careless voice. “I didn’t say I didn’t know your name, Cory Littleton. Asmodeus was destroyed centuries ago.”
    â€œKurfel, then,” said Cory, nothing childlike in his manner at all.
    I knew those names, Asmodeus and Kurfel, both, and as soon as I realized where I’d heard them, I knew what I had been smelling. Once the idea occurred to me, I realized the smell could be nothing else. Suddenly Stefan’s fear wasn’t surprising or startling at all. Demons were enough to scare anyone.
    â€œDemon” is a catchall phrase, like “fae,” used to describe beings who are unable to manifest themselves in our world in physical form. Instead, they possess their victims and feed upon them until there is nothing left. Kurfel wouldn’t be this one’s name, any more than Asmodeus was: knowing a demon’s name gave you power over them. I’d never heard of a demon-possessed vampire before. I tried to stretch my mind around the concept.
    â€œYou are not Kurfel either,” said Stefan. “Though something akin to him is allowing you some use of his powers when you amuse him well enough.” He looked toward the bathroom door. “What have you been doing to amuse him, sorcerer?”
    Sorcerer .
    I thought those were just stories—I mean, who would be dumb enough to invite a demon into themselves? And why would a demon, who could just possess any corrupt soul (and to offer yourself to a demon sort of presupposes a corrupt soul, doesn’t it?) make a deal with anyone? I didn’t believe in sorcerers; I certainly didn’t believe in vampire sorcerers.
    I suppose someone raised by werewolves should have been more open-minded—but I had to draw the line somewhere.
    â€œI don’t like you,” Littleton said coolly, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up as magic gathered around him. “I don’t like you at all.”
    He reached out and touched Stefan in the middle of the forehead. I waited for Stefan to knock his hand aside, but he did nothing to defend himself, just dropped to his knees, landing with a heavy thud.
    â€œI thought you’d be more interesting, but you’re not.”

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