Mistborn #02 The Well of Ascension
threatening her."
"Fine," Straff snapped. "You die; I take the city by force."
"And Cett attacks you from behind," Elend said. "Pinning you against our wall and forcing you to fight surrounded."
"He'd take heavy losses," Straff said. "He wouldn't be able to take and hold the city after that."
"Even with diminished forces, he'd have a better chance of taking it from us than he would if he waited and then tried to take it from you."
Straff stood. "I'll have to take that chance. I left you behind before. I'm not going to let you loose again, boy. Those cursed skaa were supposed to kill you and leave me free of you."
Elend stood as well. However, he could see the resolve in Straff's eyes.
It isn't working , Elend thought, panic beginning to set in. This plan had been a gamble, but he hadn't ever really thought that he'd fail. Indeed, he'd played his cards well. But, something was wrong—something he hadn't anticipated, and still didn't understand. Why was Straff resisting so much?
I'm too new to this , Elend thought. Ironically, if he had let his father train him better as a child, he might have known what he'd done wrong. As it was, he suddenly realized the gravity of his situation. Surrounded by a hostile army. Separated from Vin.
He was going to die.
"Wait!" Elend said desperately.
"Ah," Straff said smiling. "Finally realized what you've gotten yourself into?" There was pleasure in Straff's smile. Eagerness. There had always been something inside Straff that had enjoyed hurting others, though Elend had rarely seen it applied to him. Propriety had always been there to stop Straff.
Propriety enforced by the Lord Ruler. At that moment, Elend saw murder in his father's eyes.
"You never intended to let me live," Elend said. "Even if I'd given you the atium, even if I'd gone with you to the city."
"You were dead the moment I decided to march here," Straff said. "Idiot boy. I do thank you for bringing me that girl, though. I'll take her tonight. We'll see if she cries my name or yours while I'm—"
Elend laughed.
It was a desperate laugh, a laugh at the ridiculous situation he'd gotten himself into, a laugh at his sudden worry and fear—but most of all, it was a laugh at the idea of Straff trying to force himself upon Vin. "You have no idea how foolish you sound," Elend said.
Straff flushed. "For that, boy, I'll be extra rough with her."
"You are a pig, Father," Elend said. "A sick, disgusting man. You thought you were a brilliant leader, but you were barely competent. You nearly got our house destroyed—only the Lord Ruler's own death saved you!"
Straff called for his guards.
"You may take Luthadel," Elend said, "but you'll lose it! I may have been a bad king, but you'll be a terrible one. The Lord Ruler was a tyrant, but he was also a genius. You're neither. You're just a selfish man who'll use up his resources, then end up dead from a knife in the back."
Straff pointed at Elend as soldiers rushed in. Elend didn't cringe. He'd grown up with this man, been raised by him, been tortured by him. And, despite it all, Elend had never spoken his mind. He'd rebelled with the petty timidity of a teenage boy, but he'd never spoken the truth.
It felt good. It felt right.
Perhaps playing the weak hand was a mistake against Straff. He always was fond of crushing things .
And suddenly Elend knew what he had to do. He smiled, looking Straff in the eyes.
"Kill me, Father," he said, "and you'll die, too."
"Kill me, Father," Elend said, "and you'll die, too."
Vin paused. She stood outside the tent, in the darkness of early night. She'd been standing with Straff's soldiers, but they'd rushed in at his command. She'd moved into the darkness, and now stood on the north side of the tent, watching the shadowed forms move within.
She'd been about to burst in. Elend hadn't been doing very well—not that he was a bad negotiator. He was just too honest by nature. It wasn't difficult to tell when he was bluffing, especially if you knew him well.
But, this new proclamation was different. It wasn't a sign of Elend attempting to be clever, nor was it an angry outburst like the one he'd made moments before. Suddenly, he seemed calm and forceful.
Vin waited quietly, her daggers out, tense in the mists before the glowing tent. Something told her she had to give Elend just a few more moments.
Straff laughed at Elend's threat.
"You are a fool, Father," Elend said. "You think I came here to negotiate? You think I would
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