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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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that eventuality.
    The men set to straight away erecting the tents, unloading the drays and wagons. Fortunately the weather stayed fine while temporary shelters were built to store the provisions.
    Two days later the teamsters left with their bullocks and drays to return to Sydney.
    There was a shortage of heavy timber within easy reach. Undaunted, Tiger had the men cutting slabs of sod and turf for the walls of the huts they built. Reeds grew in abundance along the banks of the river. These were used for thatching the roofs.
    Every hour was filled with activity and the days sped by. By sundown each day everyone was exhausted. Isabella retreated at nightfall to the hut she shared with Agnes and Tim. And kept out of Tiger's way as much as possible.

    Chapter Thirty One
    By the time the first land was cleared to plant crops Isabella knew for certain she was pregnant. They’d celebrated Christmas and just started the New Year of 1824.
    "Oh Thelma, what a fool I am," she bemoaned to her friend. "Why do I let him do this to me?"
    "Perhaps God intended it," Thelma said, unsurprised by the news, it seemed. "A new life to take the place of the little one you lost. You need a baby to care for, Bella. You've only been half alive since little Dougie went."
    Isabella knew that was true. The only time she 'd been truly alive was in Tiger's arms.
    Tiger was hard at work with the men each day, clearing land, planting crops, overseeing the care of the flock and herd. The cows they 'd brought with them were in calf, and he planned to buy a stud bull so he could start building a dairy herd. So, it wasn't until one day near April he noticed Isabella's changing shape.
    "My God, you 're with child," he exclaimed in a rare moment when they were alone. Grasping her shoulders he stared at her, demanding, "Why didn't you tell me?"
    "It has nothing to do with you. " Fidgeting, she tried to get away, but he tightened his hold, shaking her gently. "I intend to take Tim and be off to my own place just as soon as you can spare some of the men to come along with me."
    "Nothing to do with me? " He swore fluently. "What is the matter with you, woman? 'Tis mine and it will stay where it belongs, same as you will."
    "Oh no I will not. You don't own me any more, as I pointed out before. I will go off as Dougal and I intended. I'll need to stay here until the baby's born for I need Thelma's help, but then I'm going, Tiger, and you'll not stop me." Tossing her head she scowled down at her bonnet when it fell to the ground.
    "We 'll see about that. Why do you fight me all the time? Ye gods—you're a thorn in my side, that's what you are."
    "In that case you won 't mind seeing the back of me."
    Isabella glanced at him then quickly looked away. Sweat streaked his bare chest. With so much heavy labor his body was more powerful than ever, his muscles well honed, his skin tanned. The golden hairs on his chest glinted. Isabella licked her lips as she tried to conceal the emotions that forever sizzled inside her when he was near.
    Tiger saw the small movement of her tongue over her lips and stifled another groan. She was driving him mad with wanting. The woman wouldn't let him within ten feet most of the time. Being so close to her and not being able to take her in his arms was a kind of torture. He should just ignore her arguments and take her to his bed regardless of what she thought.
    She wanted him, he knew it. Damn her pride, and damn himself for making her like this.
    "You'll not get any men to go with you. They have no wish to set out again to start building when they're comfortably settled here. And I wouldn't allow them to go with you anyway. The convicts have no say in it and the free men are happy where they are. Agnes is the only one who's likely to want to go with you, and the two of you can hardly set out on your own. Tim stays with me, and the new baby's mine too. So that settles it. Unless you want to go alone, just you and Agnes after this one's born, then you're free to go."
    "Damnation on you, Tiger. I'll go, and I'll take Tim, just you see if I don't."
    Tiger grinned. "I 'll come after you," he said calmly. "And if you take a horse I'll have you arrested for thievery."
    "Out here? You 're daft. Who's to know what I do? And who will care? I have the right to go and you can't stop me."
    "Can 't I? You've only got a ticket of leave, in case you forgot. That means that until your seven year sentence is up in '25, you still have

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