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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
Vom Netzwerk:
to be accountable to me, your master." He grinned, loving the flush of indignation coloring her cheeks. "Face it, you're stuck with me."
    Isabella felt like screaming at his arrogance. "Other women have started out on their own. I 'll do it too. What about Margaret Catchpole? She was left to manage a property while still a convict. And Elizabeth Macarthur managed her husband's property for years on end while he was away." Her eyes narrowed. "And what about Eliza Walsh who had a farm at Richmond Hill with a herd of cattle and other stock." Planting her hands on her hips she eyed him defiantly.
    "Think you know it all, don 't you? Ah, Bella, give over. They went to established farms near Sydney Town. We're all on our own way out here, dependent on each other with no help from the town. We'll only survive if we stay together. You'd never get by without men to help you. You don't really want to go, why not admit you're just being awkward to upset me. Anyway, there's Thelma to consider. She needs you. She's getting so sick I fear for her. I wonder if we shouldn't have left her back yonder where she could have a doctor's care." His gaze went to the mountains in the distance.
    That was the deciding factor for Isabella. Tiger was always right, infuriating man.
    "Stay with me, Bella" he said softly, his eyes caressing her. "One day soon I'll build us and our children a fine house wherever you decide."
    Isabella bit down on her bottom lip. "And what happens when you tire of me, Tiger, eh? What will happen to me then?"
    "'Tis doubtful I ever will. Who knows what the future holds for us." He turned from her steady gaze. "We can only take each day a step at a time."
    "Oh, how I wish I 'd been born a man. You have it all ways."
    "You think we have it so grand? We have to live with the whims and fancies of you womenfolk. We spend our whole lives digging and planting and slaving over the land for your sakes and all you reward us with is the pleasures of your body on the few occasions when you see fit to grant us our desires."
    "Huh. 'Tis not why you slave over your land and you know it. You're besotted by your acres. I swear you care more for your land than you care for me."
    "That 's not true. Believe it or not. When you stand here and look about you, and see this magnificent country and know that the work you put into it, the toil and sweat, will pass on for generations to come, you can't help but be smitten.
    " One day this will be a great land. Men will go further and further west, south, north and east, forging a path that will make this a country that will be everything that's fine in mankind. I wish I could live forever to see the fruits of our labor. And just think on it, you and I and the likes of us, common prisoners of the British Government, are the forerunners. Can't you see it, Bella? Our Tim will grow up without knowing what it's like to have to grovel in the mud for a scrap of food from some rich man's leavings. He'll grow strong and fit, confident in his own worth. And all because of us."
    Tiger sighed, glancing down at her belly. "And the new life growing inside you needs a father. So, let 's have no more talk of you going off. This is where you belong."
    Isabella pressed her lips together. Her mind was made up, and nothing he said would change it now.

    Chapter Thirty Two
    J uly 1824
    Isabella stood beside Thelma's low bed, glancing at the sod walls of the hut as she ran a hand over her neck. "Do you feel up to coming outside?" she asked softly. "How would you like to sit in the garden, eh? 'Tis stuffy in here."
    There was barely enough room to stand up straight, and the ceiling seemed to press down. The huts were so gloomy and stifling that everyone spent as much time as possible in the outdoors. Except during a downpour.
    "Not just now, dear." Thelma gave her a wan smile. "Perhaps after I've had a doze I'll sit out there for a while, for 'tis a lovely garden, Bella." Thelma's watery eyes went to the small window opening. Isabella knew she was unable to see the garden which already flourished. "Come next spring we'll have all sorts of flowers blooming and fruit growing. We'll be able to walk along and pick whatever takes our fancy."
    "Aye, Thelma, that 's a fact." Isabella's voice cracked as she gently squeezed Thelma's fragile hand.
    They both knew it was unlikely Thelma would see another spring, let alone the flowers and fruit.
    "Promise me something," Thelma whispered, gasping to catch her

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