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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
Vom Netzwerk:
misgivings as she regaled Thelma with every detail of the magical evening.
    "I didn't hear you come in. Must have been mighty late," Thelma said, and Isabella couldn't make out the strange look on her face. It was almost as if she was waiting for Isabella to divulge something.
    "Aye. I never wanted the evening to come to an end, Thelma." She sighed. "It was the most exciting night of my life . If I live to be a hundred I'll never have one to better it."
    Thelma handed her the bowl of fruit then put an arm about her shoulders as they walked back to the house. "That 's grand, girl. Every woman should have one day or night out of a lifetime that is so special it stays lodged in a place in her heart, so's she can bring it out on bad days and dream about it to make everything seem better."
    "I don 't think I'll ever have another bad day as long as I live Thelma. Life is going to be so good from now on, you wait and see." Isabella lifted her face to the sun, unable to stop her mouth from curving into a smile.
    Thelma didn 't say any more as they went inside, but her eyes wore such a look of sadness momentarily Isabella wondered if she sensed some tragedy about to befall them. She shrugged off the odd feeling. Today was not the time to dwell on life's misfortunes.
    Isabella swept through her mundane chores in a trance. She couldn 't wait for the day to end, for the next day to pass. Why oh why did Tiger chose to go off overnight? She would have to give him a strong talking to when he showed up. That was comical. Doubtless she would be meek and submissive from now on, if that was how he expected a good wife to behave. Whatever he wanted of her she would be willing to give.
    * * *
    Isabella's heart began to beat like a drum as soon as she heard the thundering of Satan's hooves on the hard ground.
    Thelma dried her hands on her apron, and went to peer through the window. "Well, Bella, the master 's returned," she said mildly. "He'll be starving for a taste of my food and a swig of ale. 'Tis hot as an oven out there with the brickfielder a’ blowing."
    Isabella swallowed hard. Her throat felt tight and dry. Today had been one of the longest in her life, the hours dragging as she waited for Tiger to come home. Her impatience must have been clear to Thelma. She dropped the spoon she'd been drying. Wiping her hands she turned abruptly for the door, saying, "I'll go and see if he needs any help with his horse, seeing as Dougal isn't here."
    She heard Thelma 's grunt of disbelief as she raced out the door.
    Tiger was throwing Satan 's saddle over the side of his stall as she entered the stable. His shirt was grubby, clinging to his back and damp with sweat beneath his armpits. His boots were covered with dust. As he turned she saw that his face was also streaked with dirt.
    "Hello," she whispered, the word of welcome coming out on a husky note.
    "Bella." He sounded surprised to see her there. "What are you doing out here? Doesn't Thelma need you inside?"
    His eyes watched a space somewhere over her head and a panicky wave of fear shimmered through her.
    "I missed you. I wanted to be here for you when you came home. Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming back last night?" She smiled sweetly, letting him know her soft rebuke was meant in fun.
    "I don 't have to tell you a thing," he said.
    Isabella gasped, and a brief look of something like shame passed over his face.
    "I know that, Tiger." Isabella moved closer, watching as he picked up a brush and began to smooth it over Satan's flanks. "Tiger, what is it? Have I done something wrong? The night of the ball. . ."
    "You 've done nothing wrong, Bella." He straightened, and for the first time looked her in the eye. "We need to talk about what happened. Between us. After the ball." His words came out jerkily, as if he had trouble finding them.
    "Talk?" She felt foolish.
    "Yes, Bella. I had no right to touch you. Had no right to take you to bed. I think it best if we try and forget it ever happened."
    "Forget it? How can I forget something that altered my whole life?"
    "Bella." At last he came close enough to touch her. Clasping her upper arms he stared down at her fo r so long without speaking she began to feel as if she teetered on the very edge of a high cliff, about to fall forward into space.
    Where had her passionate lover gone? A ma n who seemed like a stranger replaced him. Was it supposed to be like this? Did all lovers feel so strange when confronting each other

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