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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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mind Tiger glanced down once more at the enticing woman on the bed amid the tousled sheets, picked up his boots and the rest of his clothing, and crept out, feeling a bit like a thief in the night. Which, when all was said and done, he was.

    Chapter Fifteen
    Isabella stretched her arms above her head and pointed her toes to the end of the bed. Still in a delicious dreamy state she smiled, feeling warm and delightfully soft. Her hands came down and ran over her ribs, then her belly. With a small start of surprise her eyes shot open. She was naked.
    A blush crept up from her toes right to her scalp as she recalled the wanton way she'd behaved in Tiger's arms. Reaching out she slid her palm over the empty place by her side. It didn't shock her that he'd gone. It was just like Tiger to worry about her reputation. He wouldn't want Thelma, Gillie, or especially Dougal to know what had happened last night. Pressing her face into the pillow she breathed in, smiling like a kitten that'd just lapped up a saucer of cream. Tiger's scent still clung to the linen.
    She couldn 't wait to see him; to find out if he was as happy as she was. Of course they would get married soon. He hadn't mentioned it, but Isabella knew he would ask her now. If he hadn't wanted to wed her he wouldn't have taken her to bed, now would he? That talk at the ball about taking a nob's daughter for a wife was just nonsense made up to tease his friends. Tiger wasn't the type of man who would marry for position.
    Sliding her feet to the floor she let her hands stray to her breasts. They felt swollen and achy, her whole body aware as never been before that she was a woman. Looking down she lifted her shoulders and smoothed a hand over her stomach then around her thighs.
    Sighing, she lifted her hands to push back the hair he 'd tangled his fingers in. Oh, but it was surely a grand feeling to be female and fulfilled. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine it would be so between a man and a woman. The horrific experience with the man who raped her had soured her thinking, but Tiger's lovemaking had been glorious. That was how it should be between lovers.
    To think he was now hers. They would have a lifetime of such shared times. She held the soft fabric of her ball gown to her cheek and pirouetted in the confined space. She could dance. She could really dance. Just wait 'til her Ma heard.
    Isabella wanted to sit down then and there to write a letter telling her Ma all about the ball and the excitement of meeting the Governor , and most of all how Tiger encouraged her to forget about her misshapen foot. How he'd made her feel she was just the same as the gentry.
    But she 'd have to curb her impatience until Tiger confirmed a date for their wedding. Then she'd write, filling her letter with all her exciting news. Her Ma wouldn't believe her little Bella had found such happiness in the colony. Isabella couldn't hold back a laugh of absolute joy as she hugged herself.
    Quickly she bathed and dressed, impatient to see her lover. Humming one of the melodies she 'd danced to she went out to the kitchen. It was empty.
    "Thelma," she called. There was no answer.
    Going outside she saw Thelma reaching to pick some gooseberries growing along the garden fence. "Thelma, why didn't you leave that for me," she scolded, limping over to Thelma's side.
    "You were sleeping so peacefully I didn 't like to disturb you. Tiger said I was to let you lie abed as long as you wished this morning." Thelma gave her an oddly quizzical look.
    "He did?" Isabella smiled. How thoughtful of him. "Where is he? I would have th ought after our late night he would have been wanting to spend a little extra time abed too." Isabella felt the hot color rising up her cheeks and turned swiftly away from Thelma's gaze. Did she look any different? Perhaps Thelma could read it in her eyes, see it in the movements of her changed body.
    "He was up with the dawn." Thelma waved a hand in the general direction of the fields. "Off with Gillie and Dougal to the far paddock. He said he mayn't be back this night. Something about having an urgent message to deliver for the Governor. Then he was returning the horse and rig he hired."
    "Oh." Why hadn't he told her? But of course they had been too engrossed in each other for him to think of such mundane things. But why hadn 't he awakened her to say goodbye?
    "And how did you enjoy your first ball then, my girl?" Thelma asked, and Isabella forgot her

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