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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
Vom Netzwerk:
so, Fergus?" Selena gave the paunchy man a sly tap on his bulbous nose.
    "That 's a fact, Prince, old chap. Isabella here is my property until further notice." Proving ownership Fergus clutched Isabella's arm, his free hand caressing her neck. She felt like vomiting. The game had ceased to be amusing. She might not be on the streets selling her body, but she was no less a whore for mixing in this company of leering men and preening women.
    "My home is yours," Prince boomed, winking elaborately at Isabella as he wandered away.
    Selena went off with Gareth and Isabella was enveloped in Fergus's arms. He wasn't a tall man and she stifled an urge to laugh as he nuzzled her neck with his wet mouth.
    Sweet heaven, how soon before she could escape? But then it hit her with the force of a hammer between the eyes. There was no escape. This was the path she 'd elected to follow. Selena had not forced her; this was her choice. Hadn't she considered this way of life would be no worse than being Tiger's unpaid whore?
    She glanced across the room and her eyes collided with familiar gold-flecked ones. With an oath she touched a hand to her mouth. Surely her imagination had played a trick on her. The ground see med to shudder beneath her and when she looked back to the spot Tiger was gone, another fair-headed man stood in his place. Of course he wasn't here; it had just been her thoughts had conjured him up.
    "Where are you? You 're not with me, my dear," Fergus said grumpily, tightening his plump arm about her and pulling on the hand grasped in his sweaty palm. "I've paid well for your company this evening. If you don't pay me more attention I'll be asking dearest Selena for a return of my funds."
    Isabella forced a smile to her lips, but her mouth felt tight and her voice came out strained when she said, "Forgive me," no t really meaning it. She couldn't raise the slightest concern for this man. Given the choice she would rather have had Gareth's company. "Would you excuse me for a moment, Fergus? I find I have to refresh myself."
    Fergus let her go with a reluctant sigh. "Oh, very well, run along, but hurry back, my lovely. I have a great idea." He tapped his nose and gave her a sly look. "We will take the carriage and make haste home. Why not make the most of the night, eh? I never was a one for this dancing and prancing." He gave her a small shove in the back and chuckled.
    Picking up her skirts Isabella made for the room set aside for the ladies. A large man blocked her way. Keeping her head down she tried to dodge his bulk, but as she sidestepped so did he.
    "Saints preserve us, you 're in a tidy hurry, madam," he said with a snigger, and Isabella froze. She would know that voice anywhere. The memory of it would go with her to her grave. "I've been watching you. You have no desire to spend the evening in that dolt's company, so why not switch your alliance to me, hey?"
    With a hand of steel he pulled her around until she was staring at the fob watch looped upon his waistcoat.
    "What's the rush? Tarry awhile. That fool Fergus Brunt would have no notion of how to satisfy a pretty handful like you." Lifting his free hand he pressed the knuckle beneath her chin, forcing it up. "Hmm, a delectable wench," he muttered, his eyes roving over her face.
    Isabella swallowed bile, her knees shaking. Dear Lord, she 'd thought to never set eyes on this devil again. The smell of his body revolted her; as it had before. What was he doing here? The last time she'd set eyes on The Honorable Cecil Houghton she'd been standing in the dock while he fabricated lies, blackening her character to suit his needs. What had she done to deserve this?
    "Come, we 'll have this next dance, wench," he ordered, and at last she lifted her eyes to give him a defiant glare. In that moment he recognized her, and his eyes narrowed into malevolent slits.
    "By all the saints. " He grinned evilly. "What luck is this? The wench who tried to unman me." He waved his deformed thumb beneath her nose. "So, I have my chance for retribution. You should have hanged for your attack on me, daughter of Satan. But seeing you didn't, I'll now take my chance at reprisal."
    "I 'm serving my sentence. Your revenge has been asserted in full," she spat. "I was shipped to this godforsaken place because of you and your evil. I owe you nothing. Now, take your hands from me this instant."
    His roar of laughter brought many eyes round to them. Fergus was talking to the man called Prince. His

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