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Only 04 - Only Love

Only 04 - Only Love

Titel: Only 04 - Only Love Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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distracted Shannon. By the time she realized what had happened, it was too late. Whip was pouring her coffee and holding out the platter of biscuits and bacon to her.
    Prettyface snarled when Shannon’s hand touched the platter. She turned and gave the dog a level stare.
    “No, Prettyface,” Shannon said, her voice firm. “Nothing is wrong. Now behave yourself!”
    The dog whined uneasily and settled back to watch the stranger in his cabin with the unblinking, feral eyes of a wolf.
    At first Shannon and Whip ate without talking. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, for they were hungry. When Shannon had eaten her fill, she poured another cup of coffee for Whip and herself and settled back in her chair to savor the unexpected luxury of the coffee.
    Whip reached for another round of bacon and biscuits. As he did, he found himself wondering how chickens would survive in Echo Basin. A few eggs would have gone very well with the meal.
    You’re dreaming , Whip told himself sardonically. Eggs are for people who are settled enough to raise chickens, like Willow, or those folks who are rich enough to buy eggs that are damn near worth their weight in gold.
    Whip bit into a tender biscuit and sighed with pleasure. The biscuit was steamy, fragrant, and light as smoke.
    “I always thought no one could match my sister Willow’s biscuits,” Whip said, reaching for more. “Looks like I was wrong. These biscuits are pure heaven.”
    Shannon watched Whip’s big hands move from biscuit to bacon and back again. He handled the food deftly, which didn’t surprise her. He was a man of rare coordination. What did surprise her was the care he took with the food itself. His manners told her more than words just how much Whip appreciated the meal.
    Seeing Whip enjoy the food she had prepared was an unexpected pleasure. It was as though a little bit of her was in each bite…part of her becoming part of him. Quietly Shannon watched Whip eat, her mouth slightly curved, her eyes gentle, liking the thought of it.
    “You keep looking at me like that,” Whip said finally, “and I’m going to do something that will put Prettyface on the warpath.”
    Belatedly, Shannon realized she was watching Whip far too warmly.
    “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I’m not used to company.”
    Whip’s smile was as gentle as his eyes.
    “Honey girl, I’m just teasing you. You can look at me all you like. My head might get too big for my hat, but I’ll just go without one. It would beworth it to see your beautiful eyes watching me and liking what they see.”
    Shannon’s color heightened, but she didn’t look away for more than an instant before her glance was drawn back to Whip. His sun-colored hair caught light with each motion he made. Thick, fair, shiny, his hair made Shannon itch to sink her fingers into it. Only then would she find out if it felt as warm and silky as it looked.
    Whip glanced up, wondering what had caught Shannon’s attention so much that she sat without moving. When he realized that he was the source of her fascination, his eyes narrowed and his pulse kicked hard. There was approval in Shannon’s eyes, and a sensual curiosity that aroused Whip as much as a hungry kiss would have.
    Damnation. Maybe I shouldn’t have told her she could look at me all she likes.
    Something is growing fast, and it’s not my hat size.
    With an effort Whip forced himself to look anywhere but at the sapphire eyes that were watching him with luminous pleasure.
    “How did you come to Echo Basin?” Whip asked.
    For a moment the question didn’t register on Shannon. Then she blinked and looked down at her coffee cup.
    “Silent John brought me here seven years ago.”
    “You must have been a child.”
    “I was husband-high and had no relatives who wanted me. Even before the war…” Shannon shrugged. “A lot of children were orphaned.”
    “Eve, my brother’s wife, was like that. She came west on an orphan train and was bought by two old gamblers to make their lives easier.” Whiplooked at Shannon. “Echo Basin must have been a harsh place for you.”
    Surprise showed on Shannon’s face. She shook her head, making the mahogany lights in her hair gleam.
    “It’s better than where I came from,” she said. “Here I’m beholden to no one for my bread and salt.”
    Whip waited, but Shannon said nothing more on the subject of her past or Echo Basin.
    “What about you, Whip? How did you end up here?”
    He smiled slightly. That was a

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