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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
Vom Netzwerk:
“The plebe and the savior have finally made it to lunch.” Molla’s eyes narrowed when she looked up and saw me.
    Xona walked over to City, her fists clenched. “Wanna call me that again to my face, Filicity?”
    “The name’s City,” she said, eyes flashing annoyance for a brief moment before she smiled sweetly. “And your name is plebe. From the word plebeian. As in, not special. As in, should be scrubbing the floors for her betters, not eating breakfast with us.”
    Xona didn’t say anything back, she just reared back her fist so quick I barely realized what was happening. But before she could connect with City’s jaw, Rand jumped up from where he was sitting by City and grabbed Xona’s arms.
    “Ladies, ladies, not here. Save it for the training room floor.”
    Juan had stood up as well, looking upset.
    “No one calls me that and gets away with it.” Xona struggled angrily to get loose from Rand’s hold, but he was twice her size. “Let go of me.”
    City leaned in closer. “As if you could do anything to me. I’d drop you at ten feet with the electricity from my little finger.”
    “Only because you glitchers are cheaters. In a fair fight I’d—”
    “I told you she had a prejudice against us,” City cut in, then looked at me, her eyes slits. “You should watch out, savior, sleeping in the same room as this one. She’ll try to slit your throat in your sleep.”
    Xona glared, but remained silent.
    “Ice it already, City.” Rand said, his arms still tight around Xona. Xona let out a growl and jabbed him hard in the ribs. In his moment of surprise, she dropped down and slipped out of his grasp, ready to spring into action.
    “Come on, Molla,” City said, standing with a fake yawn. “Let’s get out of here before the boredom kills me.”
    Molla stood up, and I barely managed to stop myself from gasping out loud. Her round stomach had been hidden under the table before. I hadn’t seen her in months, but now her stomach protruded and she struggled a little getting to her feet. She pushed past me, and I couldn’t help staring after her as she left. Max’s baby, growing inside her.
    Out from under the V-chip control, I thought I’d learned all about emotion. But what had just happened was totally foreign to me, like I’d been dropped in on a game where I didn’t know any of the rules. I could barely make out one emotion on someone’s face before another had replaced it.
    Xona grabbed her food quickly, then sat down at an empty table. Adrien came in behind me. I wanted to ask him more about what had gotten him so upset when we’d read together yesterday, but he was smiling and he leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I know you want the air-filtration system to be ready as soon as possible, but I gotta say, I’ll miss the suit.”
    I blushed and smacked him in the shoulder.
    “Just telling the truth.” His grin was infectious and I tried to forget about his dark mood yesterday. He seemed fine now. He directed me to the steaming trays of food and pointed out a small circular pot behind the others. The familiar creamy grayish concoction bubbled inside.
    “Jilia says to keep eating the protein supplement until we can steal some rations from the Community circuit that we know will be allergen safe.”
    “Yum.” I slopped a large spoonful of the goo into a hard plastic cup, looking over longingly as Adrien filled his plate with meat and steamed broccoli. I looked back down at the shapeless gruel filling my cup and sighed.
    We joined Xona’s table, where Ginni was now chattering nonstop. Xona didn’t look like she was listening. She was too busy eyeing the ex-Regs in the back of the room.
    Ginni brightened when she saw Adrien and me coming to sit. “Has Adrien told you about all your classes?”
    “Not much.” I sat down and hooked up the straw to my face mask. I took several quick swallows, grimacing only slightly at the taste. “Just that the day will be split between training and school.”
    “Well, really, there’s a lot more training than actual school,” Ginni said. “The General keeps saying she needs as many glitchers as soldiers as soon as possible. Everything’s been so bad lately, she can’t seem to replenish the ranks of normal Rez soldiers fast enough.”
    I swallowed hard, the reality of the situation settling in. I’d always known it was a war, but it was becoming more and more real to me how many young glitchers and Rez fighters were losing their lives

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