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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
Vom Netzwerk:
because my telek was already active that I sensed the laser barrels drop from the ceiling in front of the metal door.
    I screamed in terror and felt the energy leave me without my control. Adrien threw his weight into me, knocking me behind one of the ex-Regs as my power ripped the weapons apart.
    “We’ve got to get everyone out!” Adrien shouted, scrambling off me and pulling me to my feet. The ex-Reg we dove behind had some shrapnel from the laser barrels lodged in his chest, but he moved as if it didn’t bother him.
    I looked back at the second barrier doors. “But we’re so close.” Taylor had said the object was vital to the Resistance’s survival. “Should we still try to get it?” I turned to General Taylor for orders, but just as I did, she crumpled to the ground.
    A blooming red stain spread at her stomach. She gasped as she looked down at it.
    A sharp hand-sized piece of metal was lodged in her left side, right below her rib cage. I’d been so clumsy with my telek, I hadn’t had time or thought to direct each piece of shrapnel safely away from us.
    “Today?” Taylor whispered, looking back up at Adrien. Then she slumped sideways, unconscious.
    “Adrien!” I screeched. I dropped down and reached to pull the chunk of metal out of her, but Adrien caught my hand.
    “Don’t! She’ll bleed out for sure if you pull it out.”
    I clicked my wrist com frantically. “Detachment A, are you there? Taylor’s down. We’ve got to abort. Now.”
    I waited a second, but the only response was silence with an occasional clicking static.
    “What do we do?” I asked.
    “Grab Taylor,” Adrien said to Cole. The bulky ex-Reg boy picked Taylor up as Adrien swiped the card in front of the elevator tube.
    Nothing happened.
    “No!” Adrien yelled, slamming the wall. “Power to the elevator must have shut down.”
    Adrenaline pulsed through me. I turned back to the elevator and pushed the door open the same way I’d done with the security doors.
    “Get in!” I yelled, trying not to think in case I lost any of my momentum. The two ex-Regs and the other soldiers piled in, with Adrien and me right behind. I spared one last glance at the metal hatch behind us.
    “If they knew we were coming, they’d have moved whatever was there anyway,” Adrien said, seeing where I looked. “Get us out of here.”
    I nodded and closed my eyes. My telek was sharp. I could feel the shape of the tube tunnel above us and our elevator car lodged at the bottom.
    I shook my head to get rid of my mounting fear. “No gravity,” I whispered, and suddenly the elevator’s brake gear had snapped and we were shooting up the tube. Light from the broken door sparked as we went. I only slowed us down as we came to the top floor. The elevator car shook as I tried to hold it steady long enough for everyone to get out. I could feel the edges of my control unraveling.
    I exited last and then slipped and fell to my knees.
    The floor was slick with blood. I barely held back a scream as I saw the Rez fighters we’d left at the top of the elevator were dead, torn apart by laser fire.
    “Oh my God,” Adrien said.
    Tavid was dead, too. Cole let out a strangled noise when he saw him. He handed Taylor off to one of the Rez fighters who’d come up the elevator with us.
    The laser barrels clicked to life above our heads. They must be motion sensitive. I’d been barely able to hold the elevator. I didn’t know if I could split my focus enough to disable them. But before I could even rally my telek to try, Cole leapt up, his hydraulic legs hissing as he launched himself toward the weapons. He ripped them off the ceiling before they could fire.
    I couldn’t stop staring at the dead soldiers. My breath stopped in my chest. This was all wrong. None of this was supposed to happen. It was supposed to be a simple retrieval mission. No one was supposed to die.
    A Rez fighter ran down the hall toward us from the entrance. “Someone’s trying to remote hack the transport. We need the techer right now.”
    “Go.” I pushed Adrien ahead. “We’ll get the others.”
    He hesitated.
    “There’s no time. If they hack the transport, none of us are getting out of here.”
    He nodded and ran after the Rez fighter.
    I clicked my wrist com, but still there was no answer from the other group. “Why aren’t they answering?” I didn’t dare voice my real fear: What if they were already dead?
    “Take Taylor back to the transport,” I said to the Rez

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