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Pride of the Veld

Pride of the Veld

Titel: Pride of the Veld Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: LE Franks
Vom Netzwerk:
Danie. Oupa might not know we’ve been together, but he knows me. He knows my heart. I think he was hoping that by telling me everything you’ve been up to while I’ve been home in America, well― that it would keep me away from you while I’m here.”
    “He doesn’t know anything, Geo; he’s just trying to protect you,” Danie whispered.
    “He suspects something, Danie. Otherwise he wouldn’t bother. I know he wants to keep me from being hurt, but maybe it’s too late for that… I’m just your annual summer fling, right?”
    “No, Geo! God, no! You’re not a fling to me, I swear.” Danie swallowed painfully past the lump in his throat. “But you’re also not mine― not in the long term. You’re not the only one your grandfather talks to Geo. He warned me off you, after your first summer back, making it clear that you’re not available. That you’re too young, and you can’t be in a serious relationship with any man… that you understand your responsibilities here and have agreed to set aside your ‘personal desires’ for the good of the family.
    “He told me that the Christiansen Reserve can’t thrive without you at the helm guiding and protecting it for the future. In order to do that, you’ll need a family of your own and a strong relationship with the community. And it’s a very conservative community.
    “They might be able to ignore your preferences while you’re away at college ‘experimenting’, but once you come home for good you won’t allow yourself to continue with an ‘alternative lifestyle’… though it sounds like your grandfather would be the one who’s ‘not allowing’.” Danie trailed off at Geo’s look of horror.
    “I don’t believe he’d say that!” Geo spat out furiously under his breath. “None of that is true Danie. None of it.”
    “Believe me, Geo. He’s a hard man, but he’s not entirely wrong. You can’t be ‘out’ here. Not if you want to take his place.”
    “But I’m already out,” Geo protested, trying to keep his voice low.
    “You might not deny it if someone was to ask you directly, but you’re not grabbing me in front of the staff, either. You always wait until we’re out here, until we have privacy before you’ll let me kiss you, touch you, hold you…” Danie trailed off, caressing Geo’s face.
    “I didn’t want to risk your job by making you look unprofessional, Danie. I’d never risk your livelihood that way.”
    “I know, Geo. I know.” Danie bowed his head, trying not to pull the other man closer. Instead he stepped back, dropping his arms and letting Geo turn away.
    It didn’t take them long to clear the tent of their loose items, Geo brooding the whole time. They moved in silence, letting the injured man sleep. Another fifteen minutes and they’d be breaking down the tent, and then they’d be on their way.
    Danie watched Geo review their food and water supply, stowing some items and leaving others out. It looked like there would be cheese sandwiches for the drive tomorrow. Geo was mixing up a batch of biscuits to bake in their Dutch oven, a cast iron skillet already cooking up the last of their pork belly and potatoes.
    The original plan had been to wait another week and arrange for a resupply from the reserve; now, depending on how far they went, they might have to drive through without taking the time to build a fire to cook. At least they’d eat well tomorrow. The next day might be down to the canned pork and beans that Geo also set aside as he packed up their makeshift kitchen.
    Danie grimaced at the thought of cold beans, and cold shoulders. Geo hadn’t spoken more than was absolutely necessary. He’d put his “little lord” face on, the one that made him look like a clone of his grandfather― cool and stern and seemingly unflappable. He’d never used it on Danie before, and that hurt more than he cared to admit.
    “Geo,” he murmured softly, coming up behind him at the fire. “I’m sorry, I should never have…”
    “What? Should never have wasted your time with me? Never led me on? Let me dream of having more with you?” Geo gulped back a sob, and in an instant Danie had him burrowed against his chest.
    “Ah, Geo… no, love, no. Nothing like that. Come on, shush… Geo, sweetling… I have no regrets. We’re good together, and for as long as we have this― whatever this is― I’m happy. But you’re obviously not, and I can’t stand to see you in pain.” Danie crooned softly in

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