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Puss 'N Cahoots

Puss 'N Cahoots

Titel: Puss 'N Cahoots Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Rita Mae Brown
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worst excesses, but you go about your business and other people go about theirs. The other point of view is that humans are evil and must be controlled, watched, hammered. The real problem there is the definition of evil changes according to who is in power. However, they always claim they are following old laws or God’s word or decency.”
    “The twain shall never meet,” Harry replied.
    “Never. Not here. Not in Iran. Not in China. Wherever people are, these two views are opposed, sometimes violently.”
    “I’m glad I’m a corgi,”
Tucker rightfully said.
    Harry dropped her hand on Tucker’s head, stroking her friend. “I can see why you’re sick of Hollywood, Renata.”
    “Two more years, Harry, two more years, and if I’m lucky two good pictures so I can cash in and come home. I belong in Kentucky.”
    “I understand.” She did, too. “Do you think you belong with Charly?”
    New though Harry was to her life, Renata instinctively trusted her. She knew she wouldn’t gossip. Better yet, Harry approached her as a horsewoman, not a movie star.
    “He asked me to marry him.”
    “Ah.” Harry didn’t pry as to her reply.
    “I don’t know what to do. I said I’d think about it and I’d give him my answer at the close of the show. Tonight.”
    “You’d never be bored.”
    “No, but I might like to kill him sometimes.”
    Harry laughed. “Renata, every woman feels that way about the man she loves.”
    Renata frowned, then smiled. “Guess we do.”
    “You’ll make the right decision.”
    “Thank you, Harry. What I don’t look forward to is telling Joan and Larry that I’m moving Queen Esther back to Charly’s. They’ve been very good to me, and they’re the ones who have had to put up with the press as well as my behavior.”
    “You’ve been fine.”
    “I think I got a little emotional there, particularly when I found Jorge.”
    “You’re human, Renata. Joan and Larry will understand. They’re wise in many ways.”
    “Yes, I think they are, and when you look at Joan’s parents it all falls into place, doesn’t it?”
    “You can’t pick your parents, so if you get a good pair, you’re very lucky.” Harry smiled.
    “Oh, good. Mother could be tough, very intellectual and strict. Maybe ‘intellectual’ is the wrong word. Her mind was very practical. She read all the time. When I majored in art history at Smith, she was one step ahead of a running fit. She wanted me to apply myself to a field where I could make a good living. Dad took life as it came. He told me to be happy.”
    “Lucky you. Mine left a lot to be desired.” A flicker of pain crossed her face. “I did learn to forgive. They did what they could. They shouldn’t have married and they shouldn’t have had children. Both could suck a river dry, if you know what I mean. I think that’s why I’ve sidestepped marriage. I’m afraid. Why I don’t drink, too.”
    “Like I said, you’ll do the right thing.”
    “Harry, you don’t know how good you’ve made me feel.” She stood up, motioning Charly to the rail. “I’ll buy him. I’ll buy the filly and colt, too. How’s that?”
    Charly tipped his hat again, his face radiant. “Madam, I’ll hop to it.” He then nodded to Harry and walked toward Carlos at the gate. He called back, “Remember my offer to get the filly and colt free.”
    She nodded. “Right. I’ll tell you tonight.”
    “Are you still going to show Shortro?” Harry adored the young game gelding. He was all heart.
    “You know, Shelbyville was a fine hour for him. He’s a good three-gaited horse; he’ll probably get even better. I thought about selling him after the show. I’ve had inquiries, but he’s so kind, takes care of his rider…” She reached for Harry’s hand. “But I don’t need the money. I love the horse. I want him to be happy. I’m giving him to you.”
    Stunned, Harry could only say, “Renata.”
    “You’re not showing Saddlebreds, I know, but I think Shortro would like to be in the country. I bet he’d be a good foxhunter. He’s the most willing horse I have ever owned, and I want him to be where he’ll be loved and where he can just be a horse. I’m impulsive, I know, but you’ve made me feel so good and, well, I do love Shortro. He’ll be happy with you.”
    Harry hugged Renata. “I promise I’ll send you monthly reports.”
    “And I will come foxhunt.”
    As the two women walked toward the steps, the cats rumbled down from the

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