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Royal Road to Card Magic The

Royal Road to Card Magic The

Titel: Royal Road to Card Magic The Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jean Hugard , Frederick Braue
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the middle and ring fingers at the middle of the outer end. Bend the index finger lightly on the upper side of the deck, letting the little finger remain free.
Lift this lower packet upwards to clear the other portion of the pack, then bring it downwards over the other cards until its lower side touches the left palm. Press the left thumb against the top card of this packet and simultaneously lift the right hand so that the card, or cards, pulled off by the left thumb fall on top of the packet retained in the left hand.
Repeat this action until all the cards held by the right hand have been shuffled off on to those held by the left hand. Pat the upper side of the deck with the outstretched fingers of the right hand to square the cards. Since the overhand shuffle is generally repeated, this action is absolutely essential to a clean execution.
    In making this shuffle do not look at your hands and the cards. Practise this from the outset as it is an essential factor in the manoeuvres that follow, and that are done under cover of the action of this shuffle.
    The speed at which the shuffle is executed should be about the same as that used by any card player, neither too fast nor too slow, and the tempo should be an even one throughout.
    Controlling the Top Card
Holding the deck as explained, lift it with the right hand and with the left thumb draw off the top card only in the first movement of the shuffle. Without the slightest pause or hesitation shuffle the other cards on to this one until the shuffle has been completed. The top card is now at the bottom of the pack.
Again lift the entire pack and repeat the shuffle you have just made down to the last card, which we know was the card originally at the top. Drop this card on top of all the others in the last movement of the shuffle. After a few trials you will find that this last card will cling to the thumb and fingers without any conscious effort on your part.
    In this sleight, as well as in the others to follow, the action must become automatic so that you can look at, talk with and give your whole attention to your audience. Only in this way can you convince the onlookers that the shuffle is genuine, and you should never forget that it is at this very starting point that illusion begins or is destroyed. If you stare fixedly at your hands while shuffling, suspicion will inevitably be aroused, and if a spectator suspects that you have 'done something' the illusion of your magic is gone.
    In practising this shuffle and those that follow, it is a good plan to turn the top card face upwards so that at the finish you can see at a glance if you have made it correctly.
    Controlling the Bottom Card
Lift the lower half of the pack to begin the shuffle, and in doing so, press lightly on the bottom card with the tips of the left middle and ring fingers, holding it back and thus adding it to the bottom of the packet remaining in the left hand.
Shuffle off the cards remaining in the right hand, and repeat the action if desired. Nothing could be simpler than this control, and the sleight is valuable because of its ease and naturalness.
    Retaining the Top and Bottom Cards in Position
Grip the entire pack with the right hand to start the shuffle. At the same time, press lightly on the top card with the left thumb and on the bottom card (figure 2) with the left middle and ring fingers holding them back, so that all the cards except these two are lifted clear, the top card falling upon the bottom card. Continue the shuffle, without pause, until completed.
Pat the upper side of the deck square and repeat the moves exactly as before by lifting out all but the top and bottom cards. Then shuffle off to the last card of those held in the right hand, the card originally at the top, and drop it back again on the top.

    Be careful not to pull the cards away sharply in the first movement of the shuffle, making the top and bottom cards come together with a 'click'. Use a light touch. Note that by placing two known cards at the bottom and a third at the top, all three cards can be controlled by this valuable artifice. Practise the sleight in this way until you can do it with ease and certainty.
    Top Card to Next to the Bottom and Back to the Top
Lift the pack for the shuffle, retaining the top and bottom cards in the left hand as in the preceding sleight. Shuffle the cards in the right hand on to the two cards in the left hand without hesitation. The card originally on

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