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Rules of Prey

Rules of Prey

Titel: Rules of Prey Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: John Sandford
Vom Netzwerk:
    “You’re staring at me.”
    “How do you know I’m staring? You’re looking the other way,” she said.
    “I can feel it.” Lucas lifted his head until he could see her. She was sitting up, looking down at him. The thin autumn blanket had fallen around her hips and the flickering candle gave her skin a warm pink glow.
    “I’m thirty-three,” she said.
    “Oh, God,” he groaned into his pillow.
    “I’m taking a leave of absence from reporting. I’ll work half-time, producing. Do some free-lance writing.”
    “You can starve that way,” Lucas said.
    “I’ve got money saved.” Her voice was level, almost somber. “I’ve been working since I was twenty-one. I’ve got that fund from my folks. And I’ll still be half-time with the station. I’ll be okay.”
    “What’s this about?”
    “It’s about the old biological clock,” she said. “I’ve decided to have a baby.”
    Lucas didn’t say anything, didn’t move. She grinned. “Ah, the nervous bachelor, already scouting escape routes.”
    There was another long moment of silence. “That’s not it,” he said finally. “It’s just kind of sudden. I mean, I really like you. Are you bailing out? Should I be asking who the lucky guy is?”
    “Nope. See, I figured you might not be interested in cooperating with my little plan. On the other hand, from my point of view, it’s not that often you meet a guy who is intelligent, physically acceptable, heterosexual, and available. I decided I’d have to take things in my own hands, if you know what I mean.”
    Lucas was on his back staring at the ceiling. Looking down at him, she saw his stomach muscles tighten, and his chest lifted off the bed as though he were levitating, his head coming up, eyes wide.
    “Jennifer . . .”
    “Yeah. I’m pregnant.”
    He flopped back on the pillow.
    She laughed. “You can be one of the funniest men I know.”
    “Why is that?”
    “I tried to figure out what you’d say when I told you. I thought of everything except ‘Oh.’ ”
    He sat up again, his face deeply serious. “We ought to get married. Like tomorrow. I can fix the blood tests—”
    She laughed again. “Yo. Davenport. Wake up. I’m not getting married.”
    “Just a few minutes ago you said you liked me, not loved me. For one thing. Besides, I don’t want to marry you.”
    “Jennifer . . .”
    “Listen, Lucas. I’m touched by the offer. I wasn’t sure you’d make it. And you’d make a wonderful father. But you’d make an awful husband and I couldn’t put up with that.”
    “Jennifer . . .”
    “I thought it out.”
    “What about me, goddammit?” he said. He threw off the blanket and knelt over her, his heavy fists in tight balls, and she dropped flat, suddenly, for the first time afraid of him. “It’s my kid too. Right? I mean, it is mine?”
    “And I don’t want my kid being a little fuckin’ bastard.”
    “So what are you going to do, beat me into marriage?”
    He looked down at his balled fists and suddenly relaxed. “No, of course not,” he said softly. He flopped down beside her.
    “Look. I’m going to have the kid,” she said. “If you don’t want anyone to know he’s yours, that’s okay. If you don’t mind, I’d love to have you around to help. I’ll be here in the Cities. I assume you will be too.”
    “So we’ll really be together.”
    “No. Not sharing a bed every night. Look, I’m going to tell you. I’m going to spend the next nine months—”
    “Seven months.”
    “—seven months trying to convince you to marry me. If you won’t, what would you say about moving in here?”
    “Lucas, this house is a men’s club. You’ve got everything but spittoons.”
    “Listen, I’ll tell you what . . .”
    “Lucas, we’ve got months to figure out the exact arrangements. And right now I feel kind of horny again. Something about your reaction. It was much nicer than I expected.”
    A few minutes later she said, “Lucas, you’re not paying attention.”
    And a few minutes after that she gave up. “It’s like trying to make love with a rope. A short rope. No offense.”
    He didn’t laugh. He said, “Jesus Christ, I’m going to have a kid.” And then he reached over and placed a hand on her stomach. “I’ve always wanted a kid. Maybe two or three.” He looked at her. “You don’t think it could be twins, do you?”
    The next morning, Jennifer was peering at

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