Sweet Starfire
right, Racer. I really must be going. It’s been pleasant chatting with you. Perhaps some other time?”
“Any other time,” Racer stressed, his eyes locked with Severance’s. “Any other time you want.”
“Don’t hold your breath,” Severance advised. He turned away, more or less dragging Cidra with him. Desma followed without further demur.
Cidra waited until the three of them were out on the street before she gave way to her feelings of humiliation and anger. Then she rounded on Severance. “I have never been so thoroughly embarrassed in my entire life, Teague Severance. You have the manners of a torla. You should be ashamed of yourself, and if you’re not, it’s only because you don’t have the sensitivity to manage it! How can you possibly excuse such ill-mannered behavior?”
“I won’t bother to find any excuses. I don’t have to find any excuses. I’m your employer, remember? And this is a direct order: Stay clear of Racer.”
“You’ll have to provide a reasonable explanation for such a ridiculous order.”
“As long as you’re oh crew contract I don’t owe you any explanations. Want to terminate the contract right now? Your option.”
“Easy, Severance,” Desma advised softly.
Cidra threw herself back into the argument. A temper she had never dreamed existed seemed to be bubbling alive inside her. It was as if the hot, humid air of the planet had stirred the heat in her veins. “Don’t you dare threaten me, Severance. I demand a full apology for the scene you created in that tavern.”
“You’re not going to get one. Make up your mind, Cidra. Are you under contract or not?”
“You’re not going to get rid of me this easily! I won’t let you use a stupid argument like this one to force me to terminate the contract.”
“Fine. Then you’ll follow orders.”
Desma tried again, saying mildly, “Why did you come looking for us in the first place, Severance?”
He glared at Desma and then at Cidra as they arrived at the Kadys’ octagonal home. Cidra thought he hesitated for an instant before dropping his bombshell. “ExcellEx has moved its main operations to a field camp upriver. They want the sensors delivered there. I’ve made the arrangements. We’re leaving the day after tomorrow. I’ve contracted with a guide who’s taking some other supplies to the camp.”
Cidra blinked, realizing what that meant. “But my research! I haven’t even started. Severance, I’m not ready to leave Try Again yet. I have so much to do.”
“Then you shouldn’t have wasted an entire evening in a place like the Bloodsucker, should you?”
Desma moved toward the door. “If you’ll excuse me,” she said dryly, “I’m going inside. I’ve got a squeamish stomach.” The deflectors hissed behind her, leaving Severance and Cidra alone on the membrane.
“Severance, is this really necessary, or are you concocting some excuse to leave town because that man Racer is here?”
“Racer is strictly second-class postage. I wouldn’t let him affect anything I do. We’re leaving at dawn the day after tomorrow because I’m running a business. I’ve contracted to deliver the sensors, and that’s what I’m going to do. As long as you choose to work for me you stay with me. Understood?”
“Oh, you’re doing an excellent job of making yourself clear.”
He closed his eyes in brief disgust. “I’m sorry, Cidra. This can’t be helped. The potential of more work for ExcellEx is too good to pass up. There’ll be other opportunities here for you to search the Try Again files.”
She considered the matter. “You could leave me behind while you make the run to the field camp.”
Severance’s eyes were very steady. “Not a chance. I’m not leaving you alone here. As long as you work for me I’m responsible for you. I want you where I can keep an eye on you.”
“It is Racer, isn’t it? You don’t want me left here near him. Why do you hate him so much, Severance?”
“That subject isn’t open to discussion. Good night, Cidra.”
“Good night, Severance.” She turned stiffly, the hem of her gown swirling around her. “I hope you enjoy what’s left of the night.”
He caught her arm, spinning her around to face him. She sucked in her breath as she saw the glittering intensity in his eyes. Before she could say anything, he was kissing her, his mouth hard and possessive on hers. She shivered in his grasp, a soft moan echoing far back in her throat. When he
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