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Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Titel: Swiss Family Robinson Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Johann David Wyss
Vom Netzwerk:
    `But let me first cut away this disgusting green fat,' said my wife, with a little shudder. `See how it sticks all over the meat. No one could eat anything so nasty.'
    `Leave the fat, whatever you do!' exclaimed I. `Why, my dear, that is the very best part, and the delight of the epicures. If there be really too much, cut some off-it can be used as lard, and let the dogs make a supper of the refuse.'
    `And the handsome shell!' cried Fritz. `I should like to make a water-trough of that, to stand near the brook, and be kept always full of clear water. How useful it would be!'
    `That is a capital idea,' I replied, `and we may manage it easily, if we can find clay so as to make a firm foundation on which to place it.'
    `Oh, as to clay,' said Jack, `I have a grand lump of clay there under that root.'
    `Well done, my lad! When did you find it?'
    `He found a bed of clay near the river this morning,' said his mother, `and came home in such a mess, I had regularly to scrape his clothes and wash him thoroughly!'
    `Well, mother, I can only tell you I should never in all my days have found the clay, if I had not slipped and fallen amongst it.'
    `That I can well believe,' returned his mother, `only, to hear your talk this morning, one would have thought your discovery of clay the result of very arduous search indeed.'
    `When you have ended the question of the clay and the turtle-shell,' said Ernest, `I should like to show you some roots I found today; they are getting rather dry now. They look something like radishes, although the plant itself was almost a bush; but I have not ventured to taste them, although our old sow was devouring them at a great rate.'
    `In that you did wisely, my boy. Swine eat many things injurious to men. Let me see your roots. How did you discover them?'
    `I was rambling in the wood this morning, and came upon the sow, very busy grubbing under a small bush, and eating something ravenously; so I drove her away, and found a number of these roots, which I brought for you to see.'
    `Indeed, Ernest,' I exclaimed, after taking the roots in my hand and considering them attentively, `I am inclined to believe that you have really made a brilliant discovery! If this proves to be, as I expect, the manioc root, we might lose every other eatable we possess, and yet not starve. In the West Indies , cakes called cassava bread are made from it; and, already having potatoes, we shall be very independent if we can succeed in preparing flour from these roots. Great care must be taken in the manufacture to express the juice, otherwise the flour may be injurious and even poisonous.
    `If we can collect a sufficient quantity, we will attempt bread-making. I think I know how to set about it.'
    Finding there was still time to make another trip with the sledge, I went off with the elder boys, leaving Franz with his mother; and we all looked forward with satisfaction to the prospect of the princely supper they were to have ready for us, for our day's work had been none of the lightest.
    `I have been thinking about my turtle, father,' said Fritz, as we went along, `is not the shell very valuable? Surely beautiful combs, boxes, and a number of ornamental things are made of tortoise-shell, and if so, it seems a pity to use it for a water-trough.'
    `Your turtle, Fritz, is only fit for eating, its shell is worthless as regards ornament; whereas the species whose shell is prized so much is unfit for food. Tortoiseshell is subjected to the action of heat, the outer layer peels off, leaving a beautifully marked, semi-transparent surface, which is susceptible of a very high polish.'
    The sledge quickly received its second load from the raft. Chests, four cart-wheels and the hand-mill were placed on it, with all manner of smaller articles, and we lost no time in returning to Falconhurst .
    My wife welcomed us joyfully, for she said we had been regularly overworked during the last two days. `However, now you are come home to rest,' said she, `and you little think what refreshment awaits you here in the shade. Come and see my cellar!' and she smilingly exhibited a small cask, half sunk in the ground, and well sheltered with leaves and branches.
    `Ah! You wonder where this came from,' continued my wife; `well, I found it myself on the sands, today, while you were all absent; and fancying it was wine of some sort, I got it up here on purpose to be ready for you. The boys are most anxious to know what sort of wine it will prove to be.'

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