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Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Titel: Swiss Family Robinson Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Johann David Wyss
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intention is to take the animal, wild horse, or buffalo, or whatever it may be, alive; and in that case, the lasso is thrown, while riding in hot pursuit, in such a way as to make the stone twist many times round the neck, body or legs of the fugitive, arresting him even in full career.'
    `Oh, father, what a splendid contrivance! Will you try it now? There is the donkey, father! Do catch the donkey.'
    Not at all certain of my powers, I declined to practise upon a live subject, but consented to make a trial of skill by aiming at the stump of a tree at no great distance.
    My success surpassed my own expectations; the stump was entwined by the cord in such a way as to leave no doubt whatever as to the feasibility of the wonderful performances I described; and I was assailed by petitions from the boys, each anxious to possess a lasso of his own, without a moment's delay.
    As the manufacture was simple, their wishes were speedily gratified, and lasso- practise became the order of the day.
    Fritz, who was the most active and adroit, besides having, of course, the greatest muscular strength, soon became skilled in the art.
    That night a change came over the weather, and early next morning I perceived that a gale of wind was getting up. From the height of our trees I could see that the surface of the sea was in violent agitation.
    It was with no small satisfaction that I thought of our hard-won pinnace , safely moored in the harbour , and recollected that there was nothing to call us to the wreck for the next few days.
    My attention was by no means monopolized by my sons and their amusements. The good mother had much to show me demanding my approval, advice, or assistance, as the case might be.
    A good supply of wild pigeons and ortolans had been snared, partly cooked and preserved in lard. Of these she showed me her small cask well filled.
    Then the nests of various pairs of tame pigeons were exhibited, but her chief care was the unpromising condition of her dear little fruit trees, for, having been forgotten, they were so dry and withered, that unless planted without further delay, she feared we should lose them.
    This needful work we set about, therefore, at once, proposing afterwards an excursion to the Calabash Wood, in order to manufacture a large supply of vessels and utensils of all sorts and sizes.
    Every one was inclined for this expedition; consequently the planting of the orchard was carried on with surprising vigour , but was not completed until towards evening; and then all sorts of arrangements were made for an early start next day. My wife and Franz were to be of the party, and their equipment took some time, for we meant to make a grand family excursion attended by our domestic pets and servants!
    By sunrise we were all astir, and everything quickly made ready for a start.
    The sledge loaded with ammunition and baskets of provisions, and drawn by the donkey, was to be used for carrying home our gourd manufactures, as well as any other prize we might fall in with.
    Turk, as usual, headed the procession, clad in his coat of mail.
    Then came the boys with their guns and game-bags. Their mother and I followed, and behind trotted Juno not in very good spirits, poor dog!--because Master Knips , who had no idea of being left alone, must needs ride on her back.
    On this occasion I took two guns with me, one loaded with shot for game, another with ball for our defence against beasts of prey.
    Flamingo Marsh was quickly crossed, and the magnificent country beyond lay extended in all its beauty and fertility before our eyes. It was new to my wife and two of the boys, and the lovely prospect enchanted them.
    Here Fritz and Jack turned aside into the bush, where presently loud barking was followed by the quick report of a gun, and a large bird, which had risen from the thicket, fell heavily to the ground before us.
    Far from resigning itself, however, to death or captivity, it sprang to its feet, and, unable to fly, rushed away with extraordinary speed, hotly pursued by the excited dog, while Fritz ran panting in the same direction, and Juno, eager to join the chase, sprang aside so suddenly, that her rider was flung unceremoniously on the sand, as she darted to intercept the retreat of the active bird. This she cleverly accomplished, but its defence was maintained so fiercely, as it struck out with its powerful legs and sharp claws, that neither Fritz nor the dogs could master it.
    I hastened to their assistance, and

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