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The Andre Norton Megapack - 15 Classic Novels and Short Stories

The Andre Norton Megapack - 15 Classic Novels and Short Stories

Titel: The Andre Norton Megapack - 15 Classic Novels and Short Stories Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Andre Norton
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feeling between the army and the town. Drew remembered Don Cazar’s encounter with Bayliss at Kells’ stable. What had Reese Topham said then? That the captain was only waiting to make trouble for Rennie. And now herehe was himself—one of Rennie’s riders—involved in a saloon fight with troopers. Drew began to realize that this could be even worse than the physical punishment he and Anse had suffered.
    “You…bartender—” The sergeant now looked to Fowler. “What’d you see?”
    “You ain’t gonna take his word for it, for anythin’ in this mudhole of a town, are you, Sarge? They’d all lie their heads off to git a trooper into trouble. Wouldn’t you now?” The lanky man sidled along the bar to snarl at Fowler.
    “Stevens, shut that big mouth of yours, an’ I ain’t gonna say that agin! All right, Fowler, tell me what you saw!”
    Fowler slid the shotgun out of sight, apparently sure that an armistice, at least, was assured.
    “Th’ boys”—he nodded at Drew and Anse—“were sittin’ at that table, mindin’ their own business. Helms, he went over an’ picked up a book—”
    “A book!” Muller’s craggy features mirrored astonishment. “What book? Why?”
    Topham moved and suddenly they were all watching him. He stooped, picked up the dark-brown volume, and a torn page fluttered to the floor. He gathered that up, too, and tucked it back in the proper place.
    “It would seem, Sergeant,” he remarked, “that there was a book involved. And if your men didn’t bring it in here, then Kirby or his friend must have. This is certainly not a cantina fixture. Hmm, History of the Conquest of Mexico ,” he read the title on the cracked spine. “There are more books, I see.” He stepped to the side of the overturned table, gathered the other two volumes, and placed them together in a neat pile on the bar. All of the men continued to watchhim as if his actions were highly significant.
    “So—” he turned to face Muller. “We have established that there was a book, in fact, three books.”
    “What’d you want with that book, Helms?” Muller demanded.
    He was met by a scowl. “Nothin’. I was jus’ funnin’—like Ben said. Then them Rebs started playin’ rough, an’ we jus’ gave ’em a lesson.”
    Fowler snorted. “I say Helms started it, an’ th’ jumpin’ went th’ other way ’round, Sergeant. An’ that’s all I got to say.”
    “Well, it isn’t all I have to say! Sergeant, just what is going on here?”
    Whoever, having once heard that turkey cock crow, could ever forget it, thought Drew. Captain Bayliss strode in, powdery white dust graying his blue blouse, his face redder and more sun peeled than ever. The troopers behind Muller stiffened into wooden soldiers, all expression vanishing from their features until they matched each other in exact anonymity.
    “Sergeant, take those two men into custody.” A jerk of the head indicated Drew and Anse. The Kentuckian straightened.
    “On what charge, Captain?” he got out.
    “Attacking a United States soldier.”
    “In performance of his duty, Captain?” Reese Topham cut in. “I hardly think you can say that. Your men were apparently off duty. At least they were in here, drinking, too. You did serve them, Fowler?”
    “Sure did, boss! Let’s see now…Helms, he had whisky; so did Stevens. Mitchell, now, he had a beer—”
    “It remains that they were attacked while wearing the uniform!”Bayliss’ glare now included the full company before him.
    “From what I’ve heard, they did the attacking,” Topham pointed out. “At least Helms seems to have given provocation. No, Captain Bayliss, your men were in here drinking. They started a brawl. Your sergeant very rightly broke it up. That’s the sum of the matter!”
    Bayliss’ high color was fading. “You want it left that way, Topham?” he asked icily. “This only confirms my contention that matters in Tubacca are completely out of control, that the Rebel element has the backing of the citizens. I shall so report it.”
    “That is your privilege.” Topham nodded. “But this is still Tubacca and not your camp, Captain. And my cantina. If you want to declare my establishment out of bounds for your men, that is also your privilege.”
    “I do so—immediately! Sergeant, get these men out of here!”
    “What about the prisoners, sir?”
    “I think the captain will agree there are no prisoners,” Topham said. “We would be obliged to give evidence

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