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The Broken Window

The Broken Window

Titel: The Broken Window Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jeffery Deaver
Vom Netzwerk:
    Pulaski explained about Sachs’s disappearance and Rhyme’s suspicion that the Compliance file might help them figure out where she’d gone. “What’s in the dossier?”
    “A Compliance dossier?” Mark Whitcomb whispered. “It’s absolutely forbidden to access one. If theyfind out, I could go to jail. And what Sterling’s reaction will be . . . it’ll be worse than jail.”
    Pulaski snapped, “You weren’t honest with us and people died.” Then he added more softly, “We’re the good guys, Mark. Help us out. Don’t let anybody else get hurt. Please.”
    He said nothing more, letting the silence roll up.
    Good job, rookie, thought Rhyme, who was content to take the copilot’s seat on this one.
    Whitcomb grimaced. He looked around and up at the ceiling. Was he afraid of listening devices or surveillance cameras? Rhyme wondered. It seemed so, because both resignation and urgency filled his voice as he said, “Write this down. We won’t have much time.”
    “Mel! Get over here. We’re going into SSD’s system, innerCircle.”
    “We are? Uh-oh, this doesn’t sound good. First, Lon hijacks my shield, now this.” The tech hurried to a station next to Rhyme. Whitcomb recited a Web site address, which Cooper typed in. On the screen appeared some messages indicating that they’d made contact with SSD’s secure server. Whitcomb gave Cooper a temporary user name and, after a moment of hesitation, three long random-character passcodes.
    “Download the decryption file in the box in the center of the screen and hit EXECUTE .”
    Cooper did and a moment later another screen appeared.
    Welcome, NGHF235, please enter (1) the Subject’s 16-digit SSD code; or (2) country and number of Subject’s passport; or (3) Subject’sname, current residence, Social Security number and one telephone number.
    “Type in the information for the person you’re interested in.”
    Rhyme dictated the details about Sachs. On the screen appeared: Confirm access to 3E Compliance Dossier? Yes No.
    Cooper clicked on the former and a box appeared, asking for yet another passcode.
    With another glance at the ceiling, Whitcomb asked, “You ready?”
    As if something significant was about to happen. “Ready.”
    Whitcomb gave them another sixteen-digit passcode, which Cooper typed in. He hit ENTER .
    As the text began filling the computer screen, the criminalist whispered an astonished, “Oh, my God.”
    And it took a lot to astonish Lincoln Rhyme.
    R E S T R I C T E D
    Dossier 3E—Compliance
    SSD Subject Number: 7303–4490–7831–3478
    Name: Amelia H. Sachs
    Pages: 478
    Click on topic to view
    Note: Archived material may take up to five minutes to access
    • Name/Aliases/Nics/Nyms/A.K.A.s
    • Social Security Number
    • Present address
    • Satellite view of present address
    • Prior addresses
    • Citizenship
    • Race
    • Ancestral history
    • National origin
    • Physical description/distinguishing characteristics
    • Biometric details
    Retinal scan
    Iris scan
    Gait profile
    Facial scan
    Voice pattern
    • Tissue samples
    • Medical history
    • Political party affiliations
    • Professional organizations
    • Fraternal organizations
    • Religious affiliations
    • Military
    DOD evaluation
    National Guard evaluation
    Weapons systems training
    • Donations
    Public Broadcasting System/National Public Radio
    • Psychological/psychiatric history
    • Myers-Briggs personality profile
    • Sexual preference profile
    • Hobbies/interests
    • Clubs/fraternal organizations
    • Spouses
    • Intimate relationships
    • Offspring
    • Parents
    • Siblings
    • Grandparents (paternal)
    • Grandparents (maternal)
    • Other blood relatives, living
    • Other blood relatives, deceased
    • Relatives related by marriage or tethering
    • Neighbors
    Past five years (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    • Co-workers, clients, etc.
    Past five years (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    • Acquaintances
    In person
    • Persons of Interest (PEOI)
    • Employment—present
    Salary history
    Days absent/reasons for absence

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