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The Broken Window

The Broken Window

Titel: The Broken Window Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jeffery Deaver
Vom Netzwerk:
    Others of interest
    • Books/magazines observed by airport/airline personnel
    Others of interest
    • Other library activities
    • Bridal/shower/anniversary gift registries
    • Theatrical films
    • Cable television programs/pay-per-view watched, past thirty days
    • Cable television programs/pay-per-view watched, past year (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    • Subscription radio stations
    • Travel
    Owned vehicles
    Public transportation
    Airplanes, commercial
    Airplanes, private
    TSA security screens
    Appearance on no-fly lists
    • Presence in Locations of Interest (LOI)
    Other locations—U.S.
    Other locations—international
    • Presence in or transit through Red Flag Locations (RFL): Cuba, Uganda, Libya, South Yemen, Liberia, Ghana, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Palestinian Territories, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Pakistan, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Philippines, North Korea, Azerbaijan, Chile.
    • GPS devices (all positions today)
    Mobile phones
    • GPS devices (all positions past seven days)
    Mobile phones
    • GPS devices (all positions past thirty days)
    Mobile phones
    • GPS devices (all positions past year) (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    Mobile phones
    • Biometric observations
    Past seven days
    Past thirty days
    Past year (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    • RFID reports, other than highway toll readers
    Past seven days
    Past thirty days
    Past year (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    • RFID reports, highway toll readers
    Past seven days
    Past thirty days
    Past year (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    • Traffic violation photos/video
    • CCTV photos/video
    • Warranted surveillance photos/video
    • Collateral surveillance photos/video
    • In-person financial transaction hits
    Past seven days
    Past thirty days
    Past year (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    • Mobile phone/PDA/telecommunications hits
    Past seven days
    Past thirty days
    Past year (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    • Incidents of proximity to security targets
    Past seven days
    Past thirty days
    Past year (archived, may be delay in accessing)
    • Criminal history—U.S.
    • Criminal history—foreign
    • Watch lists
    • Surveillance
    • Civil litigation
    • Restraining orders
    • Whistleblower history
    • Federal Bureau of Investigation
    • Central Intelligence Agency
    • National Security Agency
    • National Reconnaissance Organization
    • NPIA
    • U.S. Military Intelligence Agencies
    Air Force
    • State and local police intelligence departments
    • Assessment as security risk
    Private sector
    Public sector
    And this was just the table of contents. Amelia Sachs’s dossier itself was close to five hundred pages long.
    Rhyme scrolled through the list and clicked on various topics. The entries were dense as wood. He whispered, “SSD has this information? On everyone in America?”
    “No,” Whitcomb said. “For children under five there’s very little, obviously. And with many adults, there’re a lot of gaps. But SSD does the best they can. They’re improving it every day.”
    Improving? Rhyme wondered.
    Pulaski nodded at the sales brochure Mel Cooper had downloaded. “Four hundred million people?”
    “That’s right. And growing.”
    “And it’s updated hourly?” Rhyme asked.
    “Often in real time.”
    “So your government agency, Whitcomb, this Compliance Division . . . it isn’t about guarding the data; you’re using it, right? To find terrorists?”
    Whitcomb paused. But since he’d already sent the dossier to somebody who didn’t have an A-18 clearance, whatever the hell that was, he must have figured that sharing a bit more wasn’t going to make the consequences any worse. “That’s right. And it’s not just terrorists. It’s other criminals too. SSD uses predictive software to figure out who’s going to commit crimes and when and how. A lot of the tips that go to police officials and

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