The Dragon Nimbus Novels: Volume II
herself. Would Yaassima transform?
Could she transform?
All the men except Powwell backed away from Yaassima, recognizing her posture as a threat.
“I have not the time to test your magic right now. Tell me, though, if you were invisible, how did my men find you? Careful of your answer, boy, your fate resides in my good wishes.” The torchlight faded along with Yaassima’s temper.
Cold sweat broke out on Myri’s back. This was the moment when Yaassima was the most dangerous; when cold calculation replaced hot temper. Life or death. The Kaalipha of Hanassa controlled them both.
“I dropped the spell as soon as I passed beyond the guards. I did not want to use so much of my energy until I had to.”
“The guards were in the anteroom and you were in the brothel?” Yaassima turned back to the two men who continued to kneel with their foreheads on the floor.
“One of them was with a woman, Kaalipha. He caught me.” Powwell pointed to the second man. The one who had barely had time to pull on his trews.
“You have done me a favor, boy. I must deal with this man’s disregard of my rules. I grant you life, Powwell. Today. Guards, take this fledgling magician to the pit. A few moons sweltering in the heart of the volcano will either cure him of his desire to escape or kill him.”
Chapter 10
Y aassima fluttered her hand in a dismissive gesture. Two fully-dressed guards hastened to haul Powwell away. The other men regrouped in a tighter knot, unwilling to be singled out by the Kaalipha.
Yaassima did not shift her gaze from the kneeling men.
Myri swallowed deeply. No execution for Powwell. While he lived, she had a chance to help him escape, along with herself and her daughters. The longer she delayed, the more dangerous Hanassa became.
“Who was on duty?” Yaassima caressed Nastfa on his buttocks. She reached between his legs and fondled his genitals through the rough wool of his trews. Her palm remained cupped, ready to squeeze with the extra strength of her long fingers. Nastfa gulped. His dark skin paled.
“Bjorg and Evaar, Kaalipha.” His voice rose in an unnatural squeak.
Myri smelled his fear and anticipation of pain. She clutched Kalen’s arm for support. Yaassima had been known to prolong her tortures when she sensed Myri’s loathing, as if she needed to punish Myri, too.
Beside her, Kalen licked her lips. Myri couldn’t tell if she moistened them in reaction to her own fear or anticipation. Her swirling emotions bewildered Myri.
“Kalen,” she whispered, clutching the girl’s arm tighter. “What are you feeling?”
“They betrayed Powwell. They deserve whatever she gives them. I want them to suffer for betraying Powwell.” This time, Kalen’s eagerness to watch the men writhe in pain broke through her armored emotions.
Myri recoiled in disgust.
“There should have been a third man on duty. Who was he?” Yaassima’s grip on the man’s balls tightened a little.
“Golin shared the duty, Kaalipha.” Nastfa’s voice rose again in fear, anticipating Yaassima’s grip. His greasy black hair trembled from his reaction. He had nearly Rover-dark hair and skin. But his face bore tinges of yellow and his eyes slanted slightly. He must have been one of the elite assassins of Maffisto before Yaassima brought him into her guard. What power did Yaassima hold over him to make such a ruthless man subservient and quaking in fear?
“Golin, the man who discovered the magician in the brothel, was also on duty?” Yaassima removed her hand. Nastfa nearly collapsed in relief. His companion began to shake, though. “Golin, who was supposed to be patrolling the entrance, shifting the torches every few minutes to cast new and different shadows so an invisible magician would be betrayed by his shadow falling in the wrong place. Golin, who was, instead, naked in the bed of one of my women!” Yaassima slipped her fingers beneath the man’s belt. Her long fingernails tore the fine black cloth of his trews. She yanked the fabric with all of her strength. The cloth tore in three straight lines so that the fabric fluttered to the floor in rags.
Golin’s shaking increased as the cold night air shriveled his genitals.
“You are not free of guilt yet, Nastfa. You lead this sorry band of murderers. Yours is the responsibility to keep them in line.”
Nastfa nodded and maintained his pose. He gulped in air and stared briefly at Myri before dropping his forehead to the stone paving once
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