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The Garlic Ballads

The Garlic Ballads

Titel: The Garlic Ballads
Autoren: Mo Yan
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township office?”
    “No,” Father disagreed. “He might get tired of being asked, and not come at all.”
    “He’ll come. If not for us, at least for his nephew’s sake.”
    “It’s not his real nephew,” Father said heavily.
    Later on, when the lamps were lit, Jinju heard voices in the yard, and from the audible snatches of conversation she could tell that the guests included her future father-in-law, Liu Jiaqing, and Cao Jinzhu, the father of her future sister-in-law, Cao Weiding. Other future family members were present, as was Deputy Yang from the township government. Once the formalities were dispensed with, it was time to start drinking.
    Elder Brother walked into Jinju’s bedroom with a steamed bun and a plate of garlic-fried pork. “Sister,” he said softly, “eat something. Then wash up, change your clothes, and come greet your future in-laws. Your grandfather-in-law is asking about you.”
    Not a word, not a sound.
    “Don’t be foolish,” he continued in a low voice. “Someone as rich as Mr. Liu surely didn’t come empty-handed today.” Not a word, not a sound.
    He placed the food on the kang and left dispiritedly. Out in the yard the drinking games had begun, and the party was starting to warm up. Deputy Yang could be heard above the others. Then Jinju heard Mother and Elder Brother whispering in the next room.
    “How much is left?” he asked.
    “A good half-bottle—seven ounces or more. Is that enough?”
    “Far from it. Deputy Yang and old man Liu can polish off a whole bottle by themselves.”
    “How about borrowing some?”
    “At this time of night? Go get an empty bottle. We’ll dilute what we have with water and try to make do.”
    “What if they taste the difference? We’d be laughingstocks.”
    “Their taste buds are numb by now. They can’t taste a damned thing.”
    “Still, it doesn’t seem right.”
    “Doesn’t seem right? Everywhere you turn these days someone is trying to cheat us out of something. Anyone who doesn’t cheat back is a fool. If even the government co-op is dishonest, what’s to stop us poor peasants?”
    Mother said nothing, and a moment or so later Jinju heard the sound of liquid being poured into a bottle. “Do we have any DDT?”
    “You horrid beast!” Mother tried to keep her voice down. “How can you think such evil thoughts?”
    “They say a little DDT makes it taste like real Maotai.”
    “You’ll kill somebody.”
    “Not a chance. I’ll only add a drop, and it’s a big bottle. The worst that could happen is it’d rid them of roundworms.”
    “What about your father?”
    “He’s too tight-fisted to drink any himself.”
    Jinju, suddenly agitated, threw back the covers and sat up; she stared at a New Year’s wall scroll with a cherubic boy in a red vest holding a large red peach like an offering in his hands.
    “Ah, Deputy Yang, Elder Master, Father”—that had to be Cao Jinzhu; the thought sickened her—”try some of this good stuff my brother picked up at the horse market. They say it’s a little like Maotai, but since we’ve never tasted real Maotai, we can’t tell.”
    Cao Jinzhu sniffled a time or two. “Our friend Eighth Uncle is the well-traveled one. If anyone’s tried it, he has.”
    Deputy Yang laughed smugly. “Only a time or two. Once at the home of Party Secretary Geng, and once at Zhang Yunduan’s. Eighty yuan a bottle means nothing to someone as rich as Zhang.”
    “Come on, Eighth Uncle, tell us if it tastes like Maotai,” Elder Brother urged.
    Jinju heard him smack his lips; he’d taken a drink.
    He must have taken another, since she heard him smack his lips again.
    “Well, I’ll be damned, it does taste a little like Maotai.”
    “Good stuff,” Father said. “Drink up.”
    The cherubic boy on the wall looked down at Jinju as if he wanted to jump out of the picture.
    Liu Jiaqing cleared his throat. “Father of the bride,” he said, “I hear the girl has quite a temper.”
    “She’s just a girl,” Father said, “who doesn’t know what she’s doing half the time. She’s impetuous, but she’ll never get her way as long as there’s breath in my body.”
    “It’s not unusual for someone that young to have a mind of her own,” Cao Jinzhu said. “Wenling’s the same. When she heard that Jinju wanted to terminate the agreement, she caused such a scene at home that her mother and I had to give her a beating.”
    “Here, Father, let me fill your glass,” Elder
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