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The Mystery of the Midnight Marauder

The Mystery of the Midnight Marauder

Titel: The Mystery of the Midnight Marauder Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Julie Campbell
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their faces.
    Once inside the warm haven of the Manor House, they saw Celia Delanoy, who seemed to have been waiting for them. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re home,” she exclaimed. “And you’ve found Patch! Miss Trask told me he was missing. Where was he?”
    “It’s a long story,” Jim said, stripping off his wet jacket, “and we’ll tell you about it later. Right now we’d better get on upstairs and climb into some dry clothes. Is there any word from Regan or Miss Trask?”
    Celia shook her head. “No, they haven’t called, so maybe they’ll be home soon.”
    The three Bob-Whites were halfway up the stairs when Celia seemed to remember something. “Oh, I almost forgot,” she said, pulling a letter from her apron pocket and holding it up to Jim. “This arrived in the afternoon mail. I was going to give it to Miss Trask, but maybe you’d better open it, as long as she isn’t here.”
    Jim frowned as he stared at the envelope. “That’s funny,” he said. “It’s not addressed to anybody in particular. It says: Manor House, Glen Road, Sleepyside-on-the-Hudson. And it’s written in block capital letters.”
    Trixie held her breath as Jim ripped open the envelope. She had a sudden suspicion concerning what he would find inside it.
    Jim read the letter, then stared up at the two girls in consternation. “It says: ‘Beware! Tonight I’m going to visit you!’ And it’s signed—”
    “The Midnight Marauder,” Trixie finished.

A Mysterious Figure • 10

    HONEY’S EYES were wide with alarm. “The Midnight Marauder’s coming here?”
    Jim nodded slowly. “That’s what the letter says. The next question is: What are we going to do now?”
    Trixie leaned over the banister rail to see if Celia was still there. But the Wheelers’ pretty maid had already hurried back to the kitchen and had no suspicion that anything was wrong.
    Trixie was thinking fast as she hurried into Honey’s bedroom and turned to face her friends, who had followed her.
    “Listen,” Trixie said excitedly, “I’ve got an idea. Don’t you see—this is our chance. It’s what we’ve been waiting for. This time we know for sure where the Midnight Marauder’s going to strike next. He’s coming here. And when he does, we’re going to catch him!”
    Honey frowned. “I—I don’t think I like it, Trix,” she said uncertainly, and her hazel eyes were troubled as she gazed at her friend.
    “I agree,” Jim said quietly. “I don’t think there’s any argument this time. We’re going to have to call in the police. We can’t handle this ourselves.”
    “But we don’t have to,” Trixie exclaimed, brushing her wet curls away from her damp forehead with an impatient hand. “Don’t you see? We’ll call all the Bob-Whites together. Then all of us will stand on guard all night.”
    “The Midnight Marauder may not show up, anyway,” Jim said suddenly. “Listen to that storm! I can’t see anyone setting out in it. Anyway, what’s the purpose in all of this?”
    “I don’t know,” Trixie answered. “The more I think about it, the more it seems as if someone’s angry—or upset—or—oh, who can tell? But this is our big chance to catch whoever it is. And it’s our big chance to clear Mart’s name.”
    Honey shook her head. “I’m sorry, Trix, I really am. I want to help Mart as much as anyone does.”
    “Well, then?” Trixie demanded.
    “Oh, Trixie,” Honey wailed, “you know that Miss Trask would never let us try to act on our own.”
    “But Miss Trask isn’t here,” Trixie pointed out, “and if this storm keeps up, I don’t think she will be.”
    There was silence as the three gazed at each other.
    “I’ll tell you what, Trix,” Jim said at last. “Let me call the police and see what they have to say. Maybe you’re right. Maybe the storm’s so bad that no one can get through. If that’s the case, then we’ll stand guard here ourselves. Okay?”
    Trixie couldn’t pretend that she wasn’t disappointed. With Sergeant Molinson at the Manor House, there was no knowing what would happen. And suppose he stationed his police officers all around the grounds. In that way, he might catch the Midnight Marauder. On the other hand, Trixie had an idea that the mysterious intruder might be frightened away.
    She sighed. “Okay, Jim,” she said finally. “If that’s what you and Honey want to do, I guess I can’t stop you.”
    After he had gone, Honey squeezed her friend’s arm. “Come on,

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