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The Neuroscience of Freedom and Creativity

The Neuroscience of Freedom and Creativity

Titel: The Neuroscience of Freedom and Creativity Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Joaquín M. Fuster
Vom Netzwerk:
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Association with, or adoption by, a social group of any kind, such as the family, a sports team, a professional association, a church, a political party, or a business partnership.
The quality of an object or environment that allows an agent to perform a certain action or behavior.
In philosophy and sociology, the capacity of an agent (personal or other) to act on the world. Moral agency refers to the ethical implications of the action.
A conglomerate of nuclei in the depth of the temporal lobe of each side, part of the limbic system. It is involved in emotional life and the evaluation of the motivational or biological significance of external stimuli. Consequently, the amygdala plays a very important role in memory, especially emotional memory, and in emotional behavior.
Antidepressant medication
Currently, the most commonly used antidepressants are tricyclics (e.g., amitriptyline [Elavil]) and SSRIs (e.g., fluoxetine [Prozac]). All potentiate serotonin or block its elimination.
An impairment of language ability. It ranges from having difficulty in remembering words to being completely unable to speak, read, or write.
Association cortex
The part of the cortex that lies outside the primary (specific) sensory and motor areas. It is reciprocally connected with the associative nuclei of the thalamus. It consists of two major components: (a) the posterior association cortex of the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes (PTO cortex), and (b) the prefrontal cortex. Both association cortices are functionally involved in higher cognitive functions. That is, the first (a) is involved in the sensory-perceptual aspects of cognition – namely, attention, perception, memory, language, and intelligence; the second (b) is involved in the executive aspects of the same higher functions.
Associative thalamic nuclei
Thalamic nuclei that are reciprocally connected with association cortex. This excludes the specific nuclei, which relay sensory information to the cortex, and the nucleus reticularis, which is only connected with itself and with other nuclei, not the cortex. The association nuclei of the thalamus are deemed to be involved in the cognitive functions of the association cortex they are connected with.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
A childhood disorder, sometimes persistent into adolescence and adulthood, characterized by difficulty in concentrating attention and excessive motor activity. Because it commonly affects children in school age, the disorder impairs learning and behavior in the school as well as at home.
Autonomic nervous system
The part of the nervous system that controls visceral functions. It affects heart rate, digestion, respiration, salivation, perspiration, pupil diameter, urination, and sexual arousal.
Basal ganglia
Nuclear masses at the base of the brain (globus pallidus, caudate nucleus, substantia nigra) dedicated to the execution and coordination of movement in muscular-kinetic, cognitive, and emotional processes.
Behavioral economics
Deals with the effects of social, cognitive, and emotional factors on the economic decisions of individuals and institutions and the

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