The Project 01 - White Jade
at. This is the de-cocker lever. The safety is ambidextrous. You can carry this pistol cocked and locked. "
" Maybe we won ' t have to shoot anything. "
" Maybe. Show me your stance. "
Selena took up her stance, a good hold, both hands, body crouched and turned to present a minimal target. Someone had taught her well. He made a minor adjustment to her elbow.
" Good stance. Let ' s load the magazines . "
They filled four 15 round magazines and put on ear protection and goggles, niceties non-existent in the field.
" Lock and load. " He inserted a magazine and Selena did the same, then they racked the slides.
" Aim for the center of the body, and fire when you ' re ready. "
She fired, then again. She squeezed off the rest of the magazine . Carter followed suit. They laid the guns down on the bench and he pulled back the targets. Her target had a neat group of holes in the center .
They spent another hour with the H-K and he was satisfied. It was a relief. She ' d said she could shoot, but he'd heard that from people who couldn ' t hit an elephant standing next to them.
" Now we have another toy. You don ' t have any experience with these. "
He took out another H-K, the MP-5N submachine gun.
" This is our primary weapon. They only weigh around eight pounds and they ' ve got a lot of firepower. This is an H-K too , developed for the Navy Seals. It has a safety just like the .45 , so you can carry it ready to go. Ours will be chambered for .40 Smith, which gives us more bang for the buck than the regular nine millimeter. Thirty round magazine , snaps in here, charge like this. " He showed her how.
" It has a folding retractable stock . Y ou can carry it short or use it as an assault rifle . " He pulled the stock out until it locked in place . " Let ' s try that first, it ' s easier to get used to. "
They loaded up. He showed her how the selector switch worked and had her shoot in semi-auto, then moved her to full auto fire. She got the knack of getting off a three round burst with ease. Then they tried it without the stock extended. That was harder, but Selena picked up the trick of control.
He was impressed. She hit what she shot at . He hoped she wouldn't have to do it when someone was shooting back . That was n't anything like this . When the adrenaline kicked in, all the fancy target shooting went out the window and you missed eight times out of ten . It wasn't the same.
He showed her how to clear a jam, but she didn ' t need to know how to field strip her piece. They were only going to be in Tibet for a short time. Ronnie and he would maintain the weapons.
" We ' ll also have these, " he said, " but you won ' t be carrying them. Still, I thought you should know how they work. " He opened a box of M-67 grenades.
" This is a fragmentation grenade. We ' re not going to practice with them here. "
He smiled, but she didn ' t get the joke. The seriousness of what they were doing was sinking in. Pistols were one thing, machine guns and grenades , another.
" This is a safety clip . You have to remove that first. It keeps the lever down if the pin is accidentally pulled. "
He mimicked removing the clip .
" Now the grenade is ready for use, but it ' s not armed until you pull the pin. It has a kill radius of 50 feet and does a lot of damage beyond that. To throw it, set your feet apart, hold this lever tight with your right hand and put your index finger of the other hand through the loop on the pin. "
He showed her the arming position.
" Then you pull the pin. As long as the lever is held down it won ' t go off. You can reinsert the pin if you have to. Hold it next to your gut when you arm. "
He demonstrated. " The way you pull the pin is to pull the grenade away from it, not the other way around. It requires a firm pull. Then you let fly and duck. You ' ve got about 4 seconds before it blows. If you ever have to do this, just make sure it goes a long way away from you. "
" You really expect me to throw grenades? "
" No. I just think you should know how it ' s done . Just in case . "
" You have a knife for me, too? " There was something in her voice.
" Y es, you ' ll have a knife. "
" Are you going to show me how to cut someone ' s throat? Or stab them in the kidney or something? "
" Selena… "
" Maybe I should have a flame thrower. Do you have a flame thrower for me, Nick? "
" Selena, what ' s the matter? "
" Nothing. I don ' t want to talk about it. "
" How can you not want to talk about
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