The Wings of Dreams
into the distance while dissolving into the grey morning air.
The Kongou Mountains. Torn out of the skyscraping peaks and spires, a single road continued on and on. This was one of only four routes into the Yellow Sea.
Because it led to the Yellow Sea, this gate was taller and sturdier than any of the other city gates. Once a year, the doors of the Reiken Gate swung open and the magical beasts that made their homes in the Yellow Sea flooded forth. Or rather, they once did. These were vestiges from that time.
The outer borders of the Yellow Sea and the Earth Gates saw the construction of tall and sturdy towers. More centuries passed before a rugged fortress was built within the Yellow Sea. The youma no longer poured forth, leaving the Earth Gate to stand there in all its mostly meaningless majesty.
“An impressive gate,” Shushou said in hushed awe.
“You know, it’s not too late to reconsider. Take a look at the preparations. They go to such lengths to open the gate once a year for one day. Every building in this city is made out of stone. All of the courtyards are covered. That’s because of the youma.”
Not a single courtyard was open to the sky. The blue tint of the broad roofs came from the bronze plates affixed to the tile. The windows were small, and many covered with bars. The doors weren’t much bigger and invariably reinforced with bands of iron. The thoroughfares were dotted with “street castles.” Like the bastions in the walls and ramparts, they provided shelter when youma appeared.
There were ten times as many watch towers as the typical city, equipped with bells to warn of an impending attack. Protecting against youma here was a natural part of daily life.
Shushou responded to Gankyuu’s suggestion with a carefree smile. “Yes, living here would be tough. But I’m not worried.”
“Where does such confidence come from?” asked the astounded Gankyuu.
Shushou answered without a second thought, “Because I have the divine protection of the Lord God Creator.”
“Of course you do,” Gankyuu said wearily.
He pulled on the haku’s reins. Jammed up against the gate, the crowds came to a halt, like an army waiting for the drawbridge to lower so they could charge across. Watchfires burned brightly on the sentry posts. There were soldiers everywhere.
The crowded plaza notwithstanding, the mood was hushed. Only a low rustling and whispering could be heard. Even the cool dawn seemed tense, waiting in anticipation.
“It’s so quiet—”
“That’s normal. Because after this, there’s only the Yellow Sea. Everybody knows that once you venture in, there’s no leaving until the Summer Solstice.”
“That’s right,” Shushou murmured.
Gankyuu urged her on. They wended their way through the crowds. At the south end of the plaza, next to the gate, was a shrine. Purple smoke hung in the gloomy gray air. People thronged around. Shushou had never seen such a shrine in Renshou.
The plaza wouldn’t be there if the gate wasn’t. The shrine seemed almost an appendage of the barrier wall, wider than it was tall and lined with dozens of votive candles.
Gankyuu faced the shrine, clapped his hands together, and prayed. Shushou couldn’t help gaping at him. She looked closer at the shrine. None of the usual patriarchs were enshrined there. Only a single statue. She couldn’t make it out in the shadows, except that the figure was wearing armor.
The figure was wrapped in a toga-like shawl, bringing to mind the statue of a fierce guardian angel she’d seen once in a temple. As she stood there eyeing it, Gankyuu pushed her head down in a bow.
“Be polite and pay your respects. We are about to enter a world where humans do not belong.”
In the Yellow Sea, beyond the Earth Gate, the rules and reasons of men did not apply. All they could do was petition divine beings like this guardian angel to watch over them.
Next to the altar was a bucket filled with water in which bundles of bare peach branches were soaking. Gankyuu pulled one out and sprinkled water over himself, Shushou and the haku, then thrust it into the saddle.
The rock wall next to the bucket was covered with small wooden talismans hanging from the crevices. Gankyuu draped one around Shushou’s neck.
“What’s this?”
“You might think yourself too good for one, but wear it for now.”
Shushou picked up the card-sized piece of wood and examined it. “An amulet?”
“A Kenrou Shinkun talisman. It
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